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Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.02.07 0 0 20205

zdcmchy Creative Commons License 2023.02.06 0 0 20204

Olyan hír is volt, hogy pl a mercedes ki is akar vonulni az olcsóbb modellek piacából.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20193)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.02.06 0 1 20203

Nagy baj lehet az olaj piacán, megint az egekbe szökhetnek az árak


A kinai ujraindulas sebessegerol nagyon durva hireket lehet olvasni. Persze meg igy is eltart egy ideig, amig ez atgyuruzik az olajkeresletbe. Foleg, mivel a hibernalas alatt komoly keszleteket halmoztak fel.


Nem emliti a cikk, hogy az USA SPR-t vissza kell majd tolteni. Halogathajak, de mindel kesobb csinaljak, annal fajobb lesz.


Szaud Arabianak bovan 100 dollar folotti olajar kell a koltsegvetesi egyensulyhoz, ugyhogy ok alaigha fogjak az opec+ novelest eroltetni.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.02.03 0 0 20202
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.02.03 0 0 20201

China became Israel's largest supplier of imported passenger cars in January, according to figures released by the Israel Vehicle Importers Association on Thursday.


A total of 7,753 Chinese passenger cars were sold in Israel in January, up from 685 in the same month last year. The Republic of Korea and Japan were Israel's second- and third-largest suppliers of imported passenger cars, respectively selling 7,393 and 7,251 units, the figures showed.


With nearly 3,000 units sold in Israel in January, the electric subcompact crossover model Atto 3, which was manufactured by China's BYD Auto and began sales in Israel in Oct. 2022, was the best-selling electric car in Israel in January.


The gasoline-powered models of the Chinese automaker Chery, which were introduced to Israel in November 2022, and the electric models of MG and Geely, also registered high sales in Israel in January.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.02.03 0 0 20200

Az USA megszallva tartja Sziria teruletenek egy reszet. Eddig nem ertettem, hogy mi lehet e mogott - azon tul, hogy nagyuzemben lopjak onnan a szir olajat. A hvg most megvilagositott: egy Iran elleni USA tamadas egyik bazisaul akarjak hasznalni a teruletet.

Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.01.31 0 0 20199

Az arany iránti kereslet 11 éves csúcsra emelkedett, ami elsősorban a jegybanki és a lakossági vásárlásoknak köszönhető. Kiemelkedő volt a tavalyi negyedik negyedév, amely korábban soha nem látott szintű aranyvásárlásokat hozott. A jegybankok közül a kínai, az egyiptomi, a katari és az indiai is nagy vevő volt, a legnagyobb eladó a kazah központi bank volt, derül ki a World Gold Council legfrissebb elemzéséből.


Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.01.31 0 0 20198
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.30 0 0 20197

China's mobile Internet of Things(IoT) users have expanded rapidly. As of the end of 2022, the number of IoT connections has reached 1.845 billion, an increase of 447 million from the end of 2021, accounting for 70 percent of the world's total, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.30 0 0 20196

A study finds China has surpassed the U.S. in one key measure of innovation and is making major strides in another, SCMP reported on Jan 24.


The study conducted by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a non-partisan Washington-based think tank focused on US science and technology policy, found that China's innovation in 2020 was 139 percent of its US equivalent, up from 78 percent in 2010.


"China is evolving from an imitator to an innovator, following a path blazed by its Asian Tiger neighbors – but at a much larger scale, with far greater geopolitical results," said Robert Atkinson, the foundation's president, who co-authored the report along with research assistant Ian Clay.


The study also found that China has already displayed great potential for global leadership in several key areas, including supercomputers, space exploration, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and high-speed rail.


"Its innovation capabilities now threaten the global market share of firms from the United States and allied nations in most high-value-added, advanced industries that are important to US prosperity and security," Atkinson added.


The foundation has examined 22 innovation-related indicators between 2010 and 2020, including venture capital, patents and the amount of value added in advanced industries. It concluded that China was making significant gains by almost every indicator.


China's strongest inroads came in the number and quality of science and engineering articles, the number of patents worldwide related to a particular innovation – known as an international patent family – and the fees it received for its patents and other advances.


By 2020, China tallied more international patent families than the US and published more scientific articles in all fields surveyed, other than in geology, atmospheric and oceanic sciences.


China accounted for 39.6 percent of the 1.7 million patents granted globally in 2021, the World Economic Forum reported in December, followed by North America with 19.9 percent and Europe with 11.8 percent.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.29 0 0 20195

Data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday shows that nucleic acid testing in different provinces found that both the number of infected cases and the positive proportion had increased at first, then decreased since Dec. 9, 2022.


Infections dropped to a minimum of 15,000 on Jan. 23, 2023 after reaching a peak of 6.94 million on Dec. 22, 2022, while the positive testing rate peaked at 29.2 percent on Dec. 25, 2022 and then gradually decreased to 5.5 percent on Jan. 23, 2023.


The weakening spread of COVID-19 in China caused by herd immunity became the hottest topic on Chinese social platform Weibo on Saturday.


The epidemic develops periodically, experiencing peaks and troughs, which is in line with the development law of a virus, for example, the U.S. and Japan have experienced several peaks since the outbreak of COVID-19, said Qiao Shubin, from the Beijing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese And Western Medicine in Fengtai District, on Friday.


Nearly 80 percent of people in China have been infected with COVID-19 since the country announced 20 new measures for optimizing its epidemic response, reaching a small infection peak, said Qiao, adding that although there will be no peak in the short term, it does not mean the epidemic will disappear, and it is necessary to take measures to protect people.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.29 0 0 20194

Over 3,000 kilometers of new railway lines are expected to enter operation in China this year, including 2,500 kilometers of high-speed railways, China State Railway Group Corp (China Railway) said on Sunday.


In 2022, China Railway conducted a 710.9 billion yuan (about $104.8 billion) capital investment in railways, with 4,100 kilometers of new rail lines put into use, including 2,082kilometers of high-speed rail.


As of the end of 2022, China had 155,000 kilometers of railways in operation, among which 42,000 kilometers are high-speed.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.29 0 0 20193


A teljes kinai autoexport tavaly 3.3 millio volt. Ezek szerint sok teherautot es buszt is exportaltak. 


A masodik abra kulonosen erdekes. 

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.27 0 0 20192
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.24 0 0 20191

China's electricity consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, maintained stable growth in 2022, official data shows.


Power use increased 3.6 percent year on year to nearly 8.64 trillion kilowatt-hours last year, according to the National Energy Administration.


Ez is nagyot fog noni iden.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20190)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.24 0 0 20190

In 2022, China's natural gas output rose 6.4 percent year-on-year to 217.8 billion cubic meters. The country imported 109.25 million tons of natural gas in the same period, down 9.9 percent year-on-year.


Az import 150 milliard kobmeter. Iden valoszinuleg jelentosen noni fog, ahogy felporog a gazdasag a covid-szigor eltunese utan.



Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.23 0 0 20189

China spent a record 3.09 trillion yuan ($443 billion) on research and development in 2022, a 10.4 percent year-on-year increase that came from the nation's accelerated efforts to enhance its innovation capability for more breakthroughs.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.20 0 0 20188

Mar a sulyos betegeknel is tul vannak a csucson a kinaiak.


Guo Yanhong, head of the National Health Commission's medical emergency department, said the number of people hospitalized with severe COVID-19 cases crested on Jan 5 and then began declining.


The numbers of fever clinic and emergency room visits peaked on Dec 23 and Jan 2, respectively, and have steadily declined since, Guo said at a news conference.


Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.19 0 0 20187

Hatalmas merteku halasztott fogyasztas:



Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.19 0 0 20186

2022-ben 100 milliard dollarral csokent Oroszorszag kulso adossaga.


Az elso haromnegyed evben 197 milliard dollar volt a folyo fizetesi merleguk tobblete.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.19 0 1 20185

In 2012, the United States dominated China in the field of AI research. Of the 25,000 or so papers published that year, the US led with 629 of the most-cited (top 10%) of citations by other papers. China was in second place at 425.


In 2021, China produced approximately 43,000 of the 135,000 research papers on AI  - roughly twice as many as the United states. The same year, China accounted for 7,401 of the most-cited papers, beating the American tally by around 70%, according to a study by Japan's Nikkei in conjunction with Dutch scientific publisher Elsevier.

Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.01.19 0 1 20184

Elon Musk: „ A Világgazdasági Fórum egyre inkább egy olyan világvezető kormánnyá válik, amit az emberek soha nem akartak. “

Meleg a Klumpa Creative Commons License 2023.01.19 0 0 20183

Mintha nemreg lattam volna valahol egy szalagcimet, hogy Norvegia radikalisan novelte tavaly az olajexportjat.

Előzmény: Léjjjzer (20169)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.18 0 1 20182

Errol aligha fog beszamolni a globalis propagandagepezet:


China urges the United States to give the Syrian people and the international community a full account of its oil theft, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.


Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a news briefing in response to reports that the illegal U.S. military presence in Syria used 53 tankers to steal oil resources from Syria for the U.S. military bases in Iraq.


According to official figures from the Syrian government, more than 80 percent of Syria's daily oil production was illegally smuggled by the U.S. military in the first half of 2022, Wang said.


Earlier this month, the U.S. military used 60 tankers and trucks to smuggle Syrian oil and wheat, he said, adding that U.S. banditry is exacerbating the energy crisis and humanitarian disaster in Syria.


"The Syrian people's right to life is being ruthlessly trampled on by the United States," he said.


The level of U.S. greed in stealing resources from Syria is as striking as its "generosity" in giving out military aid often in the amount of billions or even tens of billions dollars, he said.


Whether the United States gives or takes, it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster, and the United States gets to reap the benefits for its hegemony and other interests. This is the result of the country's so-called "rules-based order."


"We urge the U.S. side to give a full account to the Syrian people and the international community of its oil theft, and stop trampling on international rule of law and breaking international rules," Wang said.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.18 0 0 20181

A japan jegybank olyan utemben vasarolja a japan allamkotvenyeket, hogy iden akar az osszes kotveny a tulajdonaba kerulhet. Pedig nem keves van beloluk, mert a japan allamadossag nagyon nagy.


A kapitalizmus nevu piramisjatek komoly mukodesi zavarokat mutat.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.18 0 0 20180

Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 6.3 percent year on year to 1.23 trillion yuan in 2022, the Ministry of Commerce said Wednesday.


In U.S. dollar terms, the FDI inflow went up 8 percent year on year to 189.13 billion U.S. dollars.


Nem ugy nez ki, hogy visszatelepul az ipar Kinabol.

Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.01.17 0 0 20179


Még  a lábukat is beletörlik Európába. 

Azt mondják az amerikaiak, hogy Európa érdeke az erős USA, mert így tud majd segíteni. 

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.17 0 0 20178

Januar-novemberben 488 ezerrel kevesebben haltak meg Oroszorszagban, mint egy evvel korabban.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.01.17 0 0 20177

Kina tul van a covid csucson. A kovetkezo csucsot majus-juniusra varjak, de sokkal enyhebbnek, mivel most az egesz orszag nyajimmunizalodott. Ket even keresztul arra vartak, hogy majd egy enyhe varianssal nyajimmunizalnak. Ez most kb. megvolt, meg ha nem is idealis idopontban, nyaron jobb lett volna, kevesebb lett volna a halott. De a nep akarta, es a nep szava isten szava.


While the number of COVID-19 patients needing intensive care has "reached a plateau", the number seeking treatment at fever clinics is dropping nationally, both national and local data show.


Fever clinics on the mainland received 470,000 patients on Thursday, just one-sixth of the peak on Dec 23, according to the National Health Commission.


While speaking at a news conference on Saturday, Jiao Yahui, director of the commission's medical administration, said that the downturn applied not only to large cities but also rural areas, which authorities last month described as "vast, populous and thinly resourced".


Late last month, about one-third of visitors to fever clinics tested positive for COVID-19. That figure dropped to 10.8 percent by Thursday, she said.


Meanwhile, the number of hospitalizations fell from 1.62 million on Jan 5 to 1.27 million on Thursday, Jiao added.

Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.01.17 0 0 20176

 De számomra ez egyelőre elképzelhetetlen forgatókönyv.


Pedig inkább csak idő kérdése. Az orosz politika megmutatta, hogy bármit képes átverni az USA Európán. 

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20175)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!