
Részletes keresés

Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2010.01.10 0 0 492

Ann Brown

Ancient Italy Before the Romans

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1980


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Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2009.03.02 0 0 490
A booknak mi köze a bükkhöz, fel nem foghatom...
Előzmény: mociga (484)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2009.03.02 0 0 489

Kúr Géza

Etruszk–magyar rokonság

Warren (OH, USA), 1966


1   2   3   4

Epstein dr. Creative Commons License 2009.01.08 0 0 488
"Maga Pallottino is megemlíti, hogy csupán a késői bevándorlás cáfolatával még nem kapcsolható ki az etruszkok keleti eredének tézise, mert korábban is megjelenhettek Itáliában. Ezt a lehetőséget azonban kereken kizárja azzal a lapidáris megjegyzéssel, hogy a bronzkor és a vaskor elejéről a kis-ázsiai–keleti hatás bármiféle régészeti nyomai hiányoznak Etrúriában és Közép-Itáliában (l. Pallottino 1980, 61. old.)


Nem egészen így áll azonban a dolog. Populonia környékén pl. néhány 1100 és 800 közé tartozó korai aknasírból ciprusi és szíriai típusú kardok és melltűk kerültek elő, s 800 körül a krétai–mykénei álkupola is feltűnik (l. Grant 1981, 35. old.). Ugyanígy régészetileg az is megállapítható, hogy az etrúriai partoknak, főleg Populonia és Tarquinia környékékének már az 1. évezred első két századában feltűnően sűrű népessége volt (l. Grant 1981, 35. old.), s hogy az etrúriai érctelepek nagyobb méretű kiaknázása a legtöbb lelőhelyen már a 2. évezred végén megkezdődött. (l. Grant 1981, 38. old.). Sőt, már a mykénei időkben rendszeres kapcsolatok mutathatók ki az Égeisz térsége és Itália között: Dél-Itália és Szicília számos lelőhelyén a 14–12. századba tartozó mykénei kerámia került elő, s Etrúriában San Giovenale mellett is találtak mykénei cserepeket Bloch 1970, 72. old.)."




Makkay János

Az indoeurópai nyelvű népek őstörténete

Szerzői kiadás, Bp., 1998, 141.

Előzmény: Kara-Indas (77)
mociga Creative Commons License 2008.12.26 0 0 487
Előzmény: Epstein dr. (486)
Epstein dr. Creative Commons License 2008.12.26 0 0 486

Na még 1x...


Szóval karácsonyi ajándékként ide, képekkel



Előzmény: Epstein dr. (485)
Epstein dr. Creative Commons License 2008.12.26 0 0 485

Karácsonyi ajándékkét feltettem Kenediné könyvét ide, képekkel együtt (nekem is nemrég hozta le a DC :) )

Előzmény: Kara-Indas (24)
mociga Creative Commons License 2008.12.25 0 0 484

Az etruszkoktól ismerjük az első lapozgatható könyvet a világon...



book  O.E. boc, traditionally from P.Gmc. *bokiz "beech" (cf. Ger. Buch "book" Buche "beech;" the notion being of beechwood tablets on which runes were inscribed), but may be from the tree itself (people still carve initials in them). The O.E. originally meant any written document. Latin and Sanskrit also have words for "writing" that are based on tree names ("birch" and "ash," respectively). Meaning "libretto of an opera" is from 1768. Verb meaning "to enter for a seat or place, issue (railway) tickets" is from 1841; "to engage a performer as a guest" is from 1872. Booklet, with dim. suffix, first recorded 1859. A betting book is from 1856; bookmaker in the wagering sense is from 1862; shortened form bookie is attested from 1885.


bükk ......... (fa... hegység és bikkfanyelv)





Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (475)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.12.25 0 0 483
Ivan Duridanov: "Marica (G. Acrop., XIII-th c.) - although it contains the Slavic suffix -ica, the name is thought to be Thracian. It is related to the Dacian river name Marisos, the modern Romanian Mures, the Hungarian Maros, the Anglo-Saxon merisc ‘swamp’, the Middle-HighGerman mersch ‘marsh, swamp’, the Middle-Latin marisca ‘the same’ (a German loan-word), etc. The preservation of the short Thracian -a- in the name shows that it became known relatively late to the Slavs (after the VIII-IX-th c.) and adopted from the local population of Thracia; it is supposed it denoted the middle and the lower course of the river."
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (482)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.12.25 0 0 482

The Marecchia is a river in eastern Italy. It flows northeast through Montefeltro and Romagna and into the Adriatic Sea near Rimini. At Torello, part of the commune of San Leo, it flows 1 km west of San Marino (Acquaviva), but it does not touch its territory. In ancient times it was known as Ariminus from the greek Ariminos, Αριμινος (also the ancient name of Rimini city). Vö. Plin. III, 15. It originally belonged to the Umbro-Etruscan civilization. Three thousand years ago, Verucchio was chosen as the ideal place to live by the Etruscans. The people of that period were attracted by its strategic position, its fertile soil, the wonderful views over the Marecchia Valley and the coast. Hence an extraordinarily refined civilisation thrived in Verucchio which has left numerous important testimonies, precious objects of great beauty and signs of a highly developed community. The Malatesta chose this place to build a mighty fortress and rich village. They elected Verucchio as their place of origin. In fact, though Verucchio belongs to the Villanovan culture, it shows peculiar characteristics, namely the consistent presence, in the funeral grave goods, of items originating from different cultural and perhaps ethnic backgrounds. Mixed elements include the types of objects used, as well as the ritual context, which is, perhaps, the best mean for a social group to express its identity. Traces of a 12th--9th century BC settlement, supposed of Villanovan origin, have been found in Verucchio.


The Maritsa or Evros (Bulgarian: Марица, Greek: Εβρος, Romanized as Hebrus, Turkish: Meriç) is, with a length of 480 km, the longest river that runs solely in the interior of the Balkans.

Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.14 0 0 481

A Kr. e. VII. század második feléből

Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (471)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 478
Előzmény: Törölt nick (461)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 477

Studies show Etruscans descended from peoples of Asia Minor


I had read about the studies on Tuscan cattle earlier this year. Now the scientists have shown a link to the Etruscan people as well. I also find it gratifying that Herodotus was vindicated since some scholars have scoffed at his work, claiming it was too "fanciful" to be true.

"The long-running controversy about the origins of the Etruscan people appears to be very close to being settled once and for all, a geneticist will tell the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today. Professor Alberto Piazza, from the University of Turin, Italy, will say that there is overwhelming evidence that the Etruscans, whose brilliant civilisation flourished 3000 years ago in what is now Tuscany, were settlers from old Anatolia (now in southern Turkey).

Etruscan culture was very advanced and quite different from other known Italian cultures that flourished at the same time, and highly influential in the development of Roman civilisation. Its origins have been debated by archaeologists, historians and linguists since time immemorial. Three main theories have emerged: that the Etruscans came from Anatolia, Southern Turkey, as propounded by the Greek historian Herotodus; that they were indigenous to the region and developed from the Iron Age Villanovan society, as suggested by another Greek historian, Dionysius of Halicarnassus; or that they originated from Northern Europe.


Now modern genetic techniques have given scientists the tools to answer this puzzle. Professor Piazza and his colleagues set out to study genetic samples from three present-day Italian populations living in Murlo, Volterra, and Casentino in Tuscany, central Italy. "We already knew that people living in this area were genetically different from those in the surrounding regions", he says. "Murlo and Volterra are among the most archaeologically important Etruscan sites in a region of Tuscany also known for having Etruscan-derived place names and local dialects. The Casentino valley sample was taken from an area bordering the area where Etruscan influence has been preserved."


The scientists compared DNA samples taken from healthy males living in Tuscany, Northern Italy, the Southern Balkans, the island of Lemnos in Greece, and the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The Tuscan samples were taken from individuals who had lived in the area for at least three generations, and were selected on the basis of their surnames, which were required to have a geographical distribution not extending beyond the linguistic area of sampling. The samples were compared with data from modern Turkish, South Italian, European and Middle-Eastern populations.

"We found that the DNA samples from individuals from Murlo and Volterra were more closely related those from near Eastern people than those of the other Italian samples", says Professor Piazza. "In Murlo particularly, one genetic variant is shared only by people from Turkey, and, of the samples we obtained, the Tuscan ones also show the closest affinity with those from Lemnos."


Herodotus’ theory, much criticised by subsequent historians, states that the Etruscans emigrated from the ancient region of Lydia, on what is now the southern coast of Turkey, because of a long-running famine. Half the population was sent by the king to look for a better life elsewhere, says his account, and sailed from Smyrna (now Izmir) until they reached Umbria in Italy.


"We think that our research provides convincing proof that Herodotus was right", says Professor Piazza, "and that the Etruscans did indeed arrive from ancient Lydia."

Előzmény: Scythus Viator (128)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 476

A diptükhónok, ill. poliptükhónok csak szétnyithatóak voltak, ezek közül az Ulu Burunnál talált puszpángfa kódex a legkorábbi. Egy, a Hatti Birodalom és Egyiptom között közlekedő hajó roncsai közt találták. Az összecsukható, Rómában az írásbeliség mindennapi kellékéül szolgáló viaszostáblákat valószínűleg az etruszkok közvetítették Itáliába. Később a viaszréteg helyébe pergamenlapok kerültek...

Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (475)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 475

Az etruszkoktól ismerjük az első lapozgatható könyvet a világon...




Különálló lapokat másutt is találtak már a régészek, így összefűzve azonban ez az első. Bulgária délnyugati részén, a Sztruma folyó mentén találták csatornaásás közben. A Kr. e. VI. századra datálják.



The world's oldest multiple-page book - in the lost Etruscan language - has gone on display in Bulgaria's National History Museum in Sofia.


It contains six bound sheets of 24 carat gold, with illustrations of a horse-rider, a mermaid, a harp and soldiers.


The small manuscript, which is more than two-and-a-half millennia old, was discovered 60 years ago in a tomb uncovered during digging for a canal along the Strouma river in south-western Bulgaria.


It has now been donated to the museum by its finder, on condition of anonymity.

Reports say the unidentified donor is now 87 years old and lives in Macedonia.

The authenticity of the book has been confirmed by two experts in Sofia and London, museum director Bojidar Dimitrov said quoted by AFP.


The six sheets are believed to be the oldest comprehensive work involving multiple pages, said Elka Penkova, who heads the museum's archaeological department.

There are around 30 similar pages known in the world, Ms Penkova said, "but they are not linked together in a book".


The Etruscans - one of Europe's most mysterious ancient peoples - are believed to have migrated from Lydia, in modern western Turkey, settling in northern and central Italy nearly 3,000 years ago.


They were wiped out by the conquering Romans in the fourth century BC, leaving few written records.

Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 474

Vénusz istennő etruszk ábrázolása


Parthus, ibér és kopt művészeti alkotásokon gyakorta megfigyelhető "integető" (valójában: áldást osztó) kéztartás

Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 473
Robert Drews


Light from Anatolia on the Roman Fasces


In: The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 93, No. 1, Studies in Honor of Henry T. Rowell (Jan., 1972), pp. 40–51 (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland)






Méd-perzsa (akhaimenida) pecsételő, rajta az uralkodó és a két másik emberalak három szálból álló vesszőnyalábot szorongat. Az Aveszta bareszmannak nevezi ezt a szent növények szárából összeállított alkalmatosságot, melyet később a zoroasztriánus papok használtak (<barez 'magasra nőni').
Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (388)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 472

A kárpát-medencei méd (mušku, baskír, baszk?) székhely, Esztergom kápolnájának X. századi freskótöredéke



... és a rekonstrukció
Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (471)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.12 0 0 471

Ékszerként szolgáló, felfüggeszthető etruszk aranylapocska


Dél-Kaliforniai Egyetem Régészeti Kutatási Gyűjteménye

Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 469
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (463)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 468
Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (464)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 467
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (462)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 466
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (462)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 465
Még mindig ugyanebből a sírból
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (462)
Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 464

A vízbeugrási jelenet ugyaninnen


...és az úszkálás
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (462)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 463

A Kr. e. VI. századra datálják




Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (462)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.11.09 0 0 462

Nem kétséges, hogy életigenlés dolgában az etruszk falfreskók (sírfestményekről beszélünk elsősorban!) a krétai színpompával és témavilággal rokoníthatók, a szexuális szabadosságról nem is beszélve...




A Vadászat és halászat tombájából, Tarkhunából...
Előzmény: Törölt nick (461)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.11.08 0 0 460
„It remains unclear how the name ‘Troy’ came to be used for the country of Ilios, whereas in the Hittite text Truisas is on the same level as Wilusas, i.e. (probably) a town with its country, a city-state. I suggest the following course of events. There was beside Wilusas a town/city-state Truisas. Later this town disappeared - it is no longer mentioned in the later Hittite texts, e.g. the Alaksandus-treaty – but the name remained and was used for the land only (as the town had disappeared). The Greeks understood it in this way that Truisas was the name of the country of Wilusas, and consequently limited Wilusas to the city alone.46 (Latacz 2001, 124f too thinks in this vein.) Of course the two towns must have been close to each other. In the Hittite text, Truisas was mentioned directly after Wilusas, when one comes from the south; this means that Truisas must have been located further, and as west is excluded because of the sea, it must have been to the east. But I cannot suggest where it was. Near Abydos, Lampsakos?


Against the new background that the Tyrsênoi lived (in any case) directly east of the Troas (but also to the south: Add. I), the idea that Truisas (if it must be thus read) was the town of the Tyrsênoi becomes very attractive. This is an old idea (e.g. Rhys Carpenter 1946, 63), but earlier there was no geographical evidence (for the homeland of the Tyrênoi) in favour of it. Now the geography makes the suggestion more likely. However, I proposed that Tru-isa- has to be analyzed as indicated, with Tru- = Τρω-. This differs from the element Turs- in Tursēnoi. We have -trus in E-trus-ci, E-trur-ia, where the metathesis may have been caused by the prefixed e-; the origin of the e- is unknown. As the interchange Trus-/Turshas not been explained with certainty, one might think of an original Trs-. Thus the resemblance (with Tru-isas) is only superficial, and the analysis forbids the equation.


It seems not probable, then, that the Trojans were themselves Tyrsênoi (and spoke Tyrrhenian). We have seen that the Tyrsênoi lived on both sides of Troy, east and south (for the latter see App. I). However, if Homer’s Pelasgians were Tyrsênoi (see 2.2 and App. I), they were distinguished from the Trojans - at least by Homer. Of course, the Trojans may still have been closely related to the Tyrsênoi. But it is also possible that Wilusas was Lydian, conquered by the invading Anatolians – at whatever date.


46 In Homer, Τροίη  is the name of the country. The cases where it is used for the townare clearly secondary (if one studies the formulaic technique).”
Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (459)
Afrikaans8 Creative Commons License 2008.11.08 0 0 459

Robert Beekes térképe az etruszkok kis-ázsiai őshazájáról


1. Átlós vonalkázással: Masza (vagy Maiónia?)

2. Lilával: türszénoszok által lakott helyek a klasszikus időkben

3. Pirossal: lüdök Lüdiától északra



A Leideni Egyetem kiérdemesült professzorának nagyon komoly tanulmányát mindenkinek el kell olvasnia, akit a téma érdekel...

Előzmény: Afrikaans8 (452)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2008.11.08 0 0 458
„A római köztársaságban megannyi külsődleges jel is mutatta az egyénnek a társadalomban elfoglalt helyét. A két kiváltságos rend (ordo) tagjai, a szenátorok, majd később a lovagok is aranygyűrű viselésére voltak jogosultak. A szenátorok rendjének tagjai, magasabb társadalmi presztízsük jeleként, emellett nyilvános alkalmakkor felöltött köznapi viseletükkel, a ruhanyak szélétől a ruha aljáig párhuzamosan futó két bíborsávval díszített tunicával is megkülönböztették magukat. A lovagrend tagjainak a köznapi viseletnek számító tunicán csak egy keskeny bíborsáv járt. Az egykor az etruszk királyok palástjának anyagául szolgáló, csak általuk viselt bíbor a magasabb hivatali hatalom méltóságának, s egyben a rendi hovatartozás jellegének kifejezőjévé is vált.”
Előzmény: Epstein dr. (454)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!