
Részletes keresés

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.30 0 0 420

a vilag egyik lexebb webdesign-ja (a masik kedvenc a massive attack official oldala,de ez most nem roluk szol, nna:))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.30 0 0 419

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.30 0 0 418

(ez nagyon kis szexi):)))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.30 0 0 417
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.30 0 0 416

(from (Edited) 27th June 2003)

Kylie is reported to be teaming up with fellow Aussie Ben Lee once again, following their collaboration on 1999's 'Undone - The Songs Of Duranduran' album, on which they performed The Reflex together.

Indie-rock wunderkind Ben Lee will release his fourth solo album, Hey You, Yes You, August 12th on F2 Records. Currently on the road with Fountains of Wayne, the Australian singer-songwriter will follow Hey You with a collection of his songs covered by Kylie Minogue, Neil Finn and other singers.

"Other people's voices tend to express things in my songs that I didn't know were there," Lee says.

Among those joining Minogue and former Crowded House hitmaker Finn are Tim Wheeler (frontman for Northern Irish pop-punk outfit Ash) and Frente singer Angie Hart. "There's a lot of people we're still trying to get," Lee says. "There have been people who have flat-out turned it down- you don't always get the person you want but it's always ended up quite fortuitous who ends up singing on it. When I finally get it I'm like, 'Oh, it couldn't have been anyone else.'"

Minogue and Lee previously teamed to cover Duran Duran's "The Reflex" in 1999. Of his fellow Aussie, Lee says, "I like weird pop people."

golic Creative Commons License 2003.06.27 0 0 415
de rég jártam itt!:))

wow, jude asszem ez a fotó nagy gyönyörűséggel tölt el téged!!:) a két véglet látható egymás mellett, tetszik a párosítás!:)

Előzmény: MerBoy (409)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.27 0 0 414
ha ő csinálná... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (411)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.27 0 0 413
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.27 0 0 412
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.27 0 0 411
nem ugy nez ki, hogy halalra dolgozza magat az uj albummal:))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.27 0 0 410
Boy George gets Kylie surprise
MSN 17th June 2003

Kylie Minogue was the surprise star guest at Boy George's birthday party, singing "Happy Birthday" to the 1980s pop star.

Boy George, 42, said he was "starstruck" when Minogue, wearing a turquoise mini-dress, turned up at the last minute at the party at jazz club Ronnie Scott's on Sunday night.

The former Culture Club frontman fulfilled a lifelong ambition to play at the club and entertained the audience with a range of old and new songs, including a country-style version of Karma Chameleon, British newspaper the Evening Standard reported.

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.25 0 0 409
Kylie & Björk

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.20 0 0 408
ne is probaljatok kijavitani benne a targyi tevedeseket (ugy szar cikk, ahogy van...) majd bemasolok egyet, amely anno a MAX c magazinban jelent az jo:)))))))))))))
Előzmény: judelaw (407)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.20 0 0 407
(bar az rejtely szamomra h miert pont most lett ennyire aktualis egy ketoldalas eletrajz)

Kylie: szöszi kislányból szexis popdíva
2003. június 18., szerda, 8:35

Ahogyan a női popsztárok közül sokan, Kylie is gyerekfejjel kezdte - igaz, akkor még színészként. 12 évesen lépett először a televízió kamerái elé, 1985-ben, 15 éves korában pedig megkapta első főszerepét. Az iskola befejezése után forgatott Neighbours című ausztrál szappanopera hozta meg számára a világhírt.

Kylie Ann Minogue 1968. május 28-án született Melbourne-ben. Gyermekkorában zongoraleckék, sztepptáncleckék és a jazz voltak azok a tényezők, amik az előadó-művészetek felé orientálták a kislányt, bár táncosnő anyja nem szerette volna, ha lányai szakmai nyomdokaiba lépnének. Mégis, mégis: Kylie 11 éves volt, amikor beválogatták egy induló tévésorozatba, a The Sullivans címűbe. Gyereksztár lett, majd később, 1986-ban, amikor a szédületes sikert aratott szappanopera, a Neighbours is az ő főszereplésének köszönhette kimagasló nézettségét, akkor már felnőttként is sztárstátusba lépett.

Egy jótékonysági koncerten történt, hogy a Neighbours stábja énekelt, és Kylie-t felkérték, énekelje el a The Locomotion című számot. Ismét fergeteges sikert aratott, és azonnal stúdióba zavarták. A kislemez 1987-ben az ausztrál poplistákat uralta hét héten keresztül. Kylie mindezek láttán úgy döntött, ez az ő életútja, és 1988-ban, miután a Neighbours befejeződött, Angliába repült lemezszerződést kötni.

Ugyancsak üstökös módjára vált neve ismertté zenei berkekben is. Az I Should Be So Lucky és a Got To Be Certain című énekével vette ostrom alá Anglia közönségét. Nem kellett sokat várni, hogy mindenki a szívébe zárja a széles mosolyú, kék szemű szépséget: lemezei 1988 legkeresettebb hanghordozói voltak világszerte. A siker ugyanilyen ütemben folytatódott tovább egészen a kilencvenes évek elejéig.

A törés akkor következett be, amikor 1992-ben Kylie megszakította kapcsolatát a Stock/Aitken/Waterman trióval, ami hiba volt, hiszen eredményeinek nem kis hányadát köszönhette az általuk írt dallamos zenéknek. 1994-ben már a Construction/BMG-vel írt alá szerződést, ahol kiadták Kylie Minogue című albumát.

A tapsvihar elmaradt, a közönség nem volt vevő az új albumra. A szőkeség már nem a zenéje miatt került a címlapokra, hanem egyrészt a Michael Hutchence-hez kötődő magánélete, másrészt a Jean Claude van Damme oldalán játszott filmszerepe miatt, vagy éppen mert alsóneműket reklámozott. A kritikusok gúnyolódtak rajta: a szoknyái a sikereihez hasonlóan egyre kurtábbak lettek.

A keményszívű britek még akkor sem lágyultak el, amikor a Where The Wild Roses Grow címmel Nick Cave oldalán énekelt duett évek óta Kylie első Top 10-slágere lett 1995-ben. Még öt évet kell várnia 2000-ig, hogy nevét újra a legjobbak között emlegessék, bár hozzá kell tenni, hogy más felhanggal, mint 15 évvel ezelőtt. 2000-ben megjelent ugyanis a Spinning Around, a hetedik stúdióalbum, amely talán a szövegíró Paula Abdulnak vagy az új kiadónak (Parlaphone) köszönhetően, netán Kylie rendkívül szexi imázsának is jelentőséget tulajdonítva, de mindenképpen a legjobbak között van.


judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 406
te :))))
Előzmény: EyeScream (402)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 405

Láttátok azt a videót, amiben valami gagyi amerikai show-ban Kylie és Geri Hallivell elkezdenek szkanderozni, és aztán egyre közeledvén egymáshoz, poénból elkezdnek csókolózni?

Hát az valami szédítóen aranyos!:-))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 404
Following on from her work for the Ford Ka, Eurostar, Vodaphone, Evian, Agent Provocateur, and Pepsi in recent times, Kylie was reported to be earning a six figure sum for the British Airways gig, which she admitted she knew very little about until arriving at today's press launch. However, official sources have been keen to play down Kylie's appearance, denying that she has signed any on going deal, and that today was a one off... And okay, so she did look utterly stunning, and the "satin and diamante Givenchy shoes" WERE fabulous. She also headed straight back into the studio following the press call.

Kylie heads for the beach - in London
Ananova 10th June 2003

Kylie Minogue has brought sun, sand and sexiness to central London. She was in the capital in her role as ambassador for British Airways to launch their Tropical Beaches brochure 2004.

A white sandy beach, stretching 25 yards, was set up in Covent Garden - complete with its own palm trees, tropical lagoon and beach bar.

Kylie said: "Bringing a tropical beach to central London is a fantastic way to get everybody in the mood for summer - feel the sand between your toes... It's like bringing a bit of Australia to London."

The new brochure features all-inclusive holidays to long-haul destinations such as Jamaica, Mauritius, Turks and Caicos, Bermuda and Barbados.

Jayne O'Brien, from British Airways, welcomed the 35-year-old pop star to the balmy scene. She said: "It's great that Kylie was one of the first visitors to the British Airways beach."

LOL! That's the smell of cold hard cash, love. Check out Kylie's fabulous shoes in the LiMBO Gallery... In other news Curtis Mantronik confirmed on tonight's Liquid News, who were also covering the British Airways appearance, that he has indeed been working with Kylie on her new album. He revealed that she visited him for a week in New York three months ago, and worked on "3 or 4 tracks", which are believed to still be completed. He also commented that the tracks were "funky as hell" and quite a departure for Kylie. Sadly, Mantronick also recently worked with steel-jawed ex-Steps 'singer' Lisa Scott-Lee... Kylie comments on today's diary update at that "it becomes more and more exciting the further I get into this album". The latest whisper surrounding the new album is that Kylie is working with Pet Shop Boys again... Elsewhere, although distribution on the recent deConstruction reissues appears to have picked up since chronic problems on their week of release, chart positions have been pitiful for both albums. First week sales put 'Kylie Minogue' at 358 on the album sales chart with sales of 541 copies. 'Impossible Princess' faired even worse at 413, with 494 copies sold. Even last year's PWL 'Greatest Hits' album outsold them both that week, shifting 689 copies and placing 268 in the chart. Although the albums were never intended to chart highly, huge problems in finding them instore were reported throughout the first week, and even Internet music stores withdrew the albums from their listings after difficulties obtaining stock. However, we're hoping BMG have taken note, and it looks like both albums will be slowly appearing throughout the UK over the coming weeks, so if you still haven't managed to find them, sit tight!

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 403
Kylie's Baby Riddle
Sunday People 8th June 2003

Kylie Minogue was at the centre of a baby riddle last night after a friend claimed the star is PREGNANT at last. The pal, who has known Kylie for years, let slip that the Aussie pop princess has only just found out she's expecting a baby with French film hunk Olivier Martinez.

A source close to the pal said: "I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. Her pal let it slip over a telephone conversation. If it is true then it's fantastic news, it's all that she's ever wanted."

Kylie, 35, has been pining for a child since splitting up with James Gooding last September but nobody expected the tiny star to conceive so quickly. Even though friends are saying Kylie is expecting, her record company have vehemently denied the pregnancy.

Her public relations agent Murray Chalmbers told me: "I have spoken to her and she has told me to tell you that she's definitely not pregnant."

When I phoned Ms. Minogue, the star answered her phone saying: "Can I help you?" in a posh accent before hanging up when I quizzed her over the sensational rumours.

But friends are sure that the star is expecting. Kylie has never been shy about admitting she would love to have a child. Just two months ago in Los Angeles Kylie told Jade Jagger: "I'm so broody, I would love a baby." And her little sister Dannii thinks Kylie is just about ready for sprogs too. She said: "Kylie will definitely have kids, and is desperate for them."

I'm assured that the star is carrying a child and all will be revealed in a couple of months. My source added: "It's very early days in the pregnancy but she's over the moon about it. It's what she has always wanted more than anything and now it's finally happened."

Kylie met Olivier, 31, at the Grammy awards in February in Los Angeles, just a few days after her blazing row at the Brit awards with ex-boyfriend Gooding. She and Olivier have been seen together ever since and are fast becoming the biggest showbiz couple. But are they ready to become the showbiz parents?

EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.06.10 0 0 402
(Nem túl nehéz) kérdés:
Mi a célközönsége az alábbi tracklistájú válogatásalbumnak? :-)

1. On A Night Like This (Bini & Martini Club Mix)
2. Stronger (Mac Quayle Mix)
3. If You Could Read My Mind (Original Edit)
4. Nobody's Supposed To Be Here (Hex Hector Club Mix)
5. On Top Of The World (Full Vocal Radio Mix)
6. Chain Reaction (Almighty Remix)
7. Rescue Me (In Your Arms) (Aston's Freestyle Radio Edit)
8. In & Out Of My Life (Atfc Radio Edit)
9. Showing Out (Original Mix)
10. One Day In Your Life (Almighty Remix)
11. Pray (Radio Edit)
12. 3 Is Family (Dancing Divas Mix)
13. Pride (Original Mix)
14. If Everybody Looked The Same (Radio Edit)
15. Stranger In My House (Hq2 Club Mix)
16. Bitter Pill (Radio Edit)
17. Everlasting Night 2003 (Radio Edit)
18. John Wayne (Radio Edit)
19. I Am A Disco (Radio Edit)
20. I Feel Love (Radio Edit)
21. Scream (Radio Edit)
22. This Is The Sound (Original Radio Edit)
23. Don't Call Me I'll Call You
24. Forever (Voodoo & Serano Edit)
25. Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Radio Edit)
26. Moonlight Shadow (Radio Version)
27. Try (Original Dee Dee Radio Edit)
28. Memories (Michale Woods Remix)
29. Funk-A-Tron (Vocal Mix Edit)
30. Earthshaker (Yomada Remix)

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.10 0 0 401
én már nem élnék... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (400)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.07 0 0 400

ja, es ma ejjel vegighallgattam kylie osszes albumat es B-sidejat... most kepzelhetitek milyen allapotban is vagyok:))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.05 0 0 399
azt én is nagyon szeretem...
Előzmény: MerBoy (398)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.05 0 0 398
én lullaby-ra és nem lullu-ra... :)))
egy perce majdnem elaludtam, aztán elkezdett szólni a fülembe a CGYOOMH Soulwax Elektronic mix és felriadtam.
The more I listen it... :))))teccik
Előzmény: judelaw (397)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.05 0 0 397
jó dolog is az alvá, nem kéri marissal gondoltam:-)
Előzmény: MerBoy (396)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.05 0 0 396
Nekem Kéri Mária Lulluby...
bár anélkül is menne... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (395)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.05 0 0 395
nekem most Tina Turner és a Go Ahead...:)))ez lesz a mottóm a hétre:)))
Előzmény: MerBoy (394)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.05 0 0 394
Ez most nagyon jól jönne... :)))

Aston Martin

Twenty-four hour sunset
I got a tank of gas and
All the things I can do
When driving with you in my Aston

It's a perfect chance
For some romance
With a little luck now baby
We might get to start

In my Aston Martin
we might get started
In my Aston Martin
Let's go
In my Aston Martin
You can call me darling
In my Aston Martin
Let's go

I love the records playing
On a late night radio
Just anticipating
How much faster we can go

It's a perfect chance
for some romance
Got my fingers crossed now baby
That we get lost

Way down by the sea
Is where I wanna be
Way down by the sea
Is where I wanna be

Way down by the sea
(In my Aston Martin)
Is where I wanna be
(We might get started)
Way down by the sea
(In my Aston Martin)
Is where I wanna be

Way down by the sea
(In my Aston Martin)
Is where I wanna be
(We might get started)
Way down by the sea
(In my Aston Martin)
Is where I wanna be
(Let's go)

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.04 0 0 393
Ok, a tiéd. hozzám már úgyis öreg.
Dannii akkor az enyém. Majd négyesben randizunk... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (392)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.04 0 0 392
most már tuti, h ráhajtok a csajra:)))
Előzmény: MerBoy (391)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.04 0 0 391

First there was Robbie and his 80 million-pound pay packet from EMI - now Kylie has joined the big league with a whopping 35 million-pound deal of her own. The Aussie saucepot, who signed a paltry 800,000-pound three-year deal with EMI before the success of Spinning Around and Can't Get You Out Of My Head, will become recipient of the second highest record deal since Robbie's last year. According to reports, her lawyers and manager have been in talks with EMI for a month. 'Kylie's camp have been working on three separate aspects of her contract - record sales, DVD and video sales and merchandising, which for her is phenomenal and they're trying to sort it so every penny goes to her.' 35-year-old Kylie, who could live off the proceeds of her scanty calendars and lingerie collection alone, looks set to be in the money and Top 40 for a while longer.

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!