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MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.06.02 0 0 390
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.06.01 0 0 389
Kylie's bottom becomes art
BBC News 28th May 2003

Kylie has now become an artwork. Kylie Minogue's famous bottom forms part of one of the key exhibits at the prestigious annual Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. The photograph of the singer, taken from her Spinning Around video, is part of a work called Consumerism 2 by Dilek O'Keefe.

More than 1,200 artworks are brought together for the event, the largest open contemporary art exhibition in the world. The show features amateur artists as well as celebrated, professional artists such as Jake and Dinos Chapman.

O'Keefe's work seemingly questions Kylie Minogue's "talent", with the word emblazoned underneath a portrait of the star. The chorus "na, na, na, na, na" fom the song Can't Get You Out Of My Head, is written on her hand.

The exhibition opens on 2 June and continues to 10 August.

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.30 0 0 388
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.30 0 0 387
Sajnálom, hogy belőle is ki fogok ábrándulni...
aztán majd csak a rockosabb zene marad meg nekem...
Előzmény: judelaw (386)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.30 0 0 386
erről már volt ám szó korábban
és bár én kedvelem a Neptunes zenéjét, szerintem Kylie-nak nem kellene beállnia egy újabb istállóba (tisztára olyanok ezek is, mint anno a SAW)

bár az amerikai siker ígéretével kecsegtet ez a fajta együttműködés, a világ többi részén viszont nem találna szívélyes fogadtatásra, ha dance kylie megint eltűnne...jön R&B kylie?:)

Előzmény: MerBoy (385)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.30 0 0 385
Kylie Minogue is thought to be the latest recipient of the golden touch of super-producers the Neptunes who are in talks over work on her forthcoming album.

After meeting with one-half of the renowned team, Pharrell Williams - in London with side-project N*E*R*D - Kylie now looks likely to follow in the footsteps of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake who have both had hits with Neptunes productions.

Williams invited Kylie to last weeks N*E*R*D show at Londons Astoria (February 17) and Kylie has spent time with him and Timberlake during their stay in the capital.

A spokesperson for Kylie said: "Kylie loves the band, she loves their music and really enjoyed the gig.

"Pharrell is a big fan of Kylie and the feeling is mutual. They have discussed working together on new material, which would happen when Kylie goes into the studio to record her new album."

However, a much-discussed partnership between the Neptunes and Kylies labelmates Blur, talked up during Pharrells last visit to London with N*E*R*D, failed to transpire.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 384
akkor meg hol itt a probléma?:))))
szerintem a topic-névadóknak nem lenne kifogása ellenünk:)))
Előzmény: MerBoy (383)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 383
nekem meg mindenhol mindent szabad... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (382)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 382
akkor fejezzük be?
a kylie topic meg az enyém különben is, szl itt nekünk mindent szabad:))
Előzmény: MerBoy (381)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 381
de Téged hoztalak volna kellemetlen helyzetbe...
figyelj, mi az összes topicban OFF-ozunk...
ki fognak utálni minket... :))))
Előzmény: judelaw (380)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 380
nem olvassák...
Előzmény: MerBoy (379)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 379
ha ezt nem olvasnák sokan, most írtam volna valami szépet... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (378)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 378
hát, azért félig már rég összejöttünk...
én ugyanis nagyon benne lennék, ő meg ugye nem mondott még nemet:))
Előzmény: MerBoy (377)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.29 0 0 377
Hát Kylie nem fog elvenni Téged... :)))
Előzmény: judelaw (376)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.28 0 0 376
meg a vegen lecsapjak itt a kezemrol..nna

Speculation is mounting that Aussie diva Kylie Minogue is planning to marry her French boyfriend, Olivier Martinez.

According to reports, an aide of the singer has already met with London lawyers to discuss the financial implications of her marrying in the near future.

Kylie - who celebrates her 35th birthday today - is also said to have inquired into the possibility of a prenuptial agreement.

A 'source' told the Daily Mail: "It was just a tentative inquiry about the ins and outs of marriage.

"The aide was given advice about Kylie's money and what marriage could mean.

"One of the things that came into the discussion was a prenuptial agreement as that is how many stars look after their money - but the lawyer advised against it as they aren't binding in British courts.'

Martinez, a well-known actor in his native country, met Kylie in February this year after the Grammy awards in Los Angeles.

The pair have since been photographed together in various cities across the world, with Kylie allegedly telling friends that Martinez is "the one".

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.28 0 0 375
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.27 0 0 374
Monday May 26 2003
Many fans are finding it difficult to find the new BMG reissues in stores. Although today is a Bank Holiday in the UK all record shops are operating as usual, and stock for this week would have arrived late last week (standard distribution) but many, it appears, won't be stocking the CDs at all.
"Why do BMG even bother re-issuing them is what I don't understand. They're never gonna sell any, and if the shops don't even want them what's the f*g point?!" commented one fan on our forum today.

"See, i don't think its a case of shops not wanting to stock," said another "its a case of BMG not pushing the product. Tatu's album was re-released today with a bonus DVD, and that was in the New Releases, so why BMG don't actually ship some products? When i spoke to the shops, they had no idea about the albums, and didn't even have them listed in some! WHSmith yesterday told me they had them still listed for the 19th, but had none in the store room!!!"

Another continues: "I know Kylie seems to hate it whenever any of her old record co's re-issue things, but seeing as these were the best albums of her career, and she stands to gain a larger share of royalties cos she bothered to lift a pen when she made them, you would have thought she could have made a bit of an effort too."

Mikey comments: ""HMV (Who are incidentally tagging the advert for the CDs in the gay press) in Bristol weren't sent any! How sh*t is that??? None of the "general" stores (eg. Woolies, WHSmith and the supermarkets) have any - and I had to ask an assistant in Virgin who had to go into the store-room to get me a copy of them. I wasn't a happy bunny! Yet again BMG have failed... their reps should have given the retailers a bit of a boot up the arse!"

Finally, ImpossiblePrince summed up the feeling of many when he said: "Funny, we're the die hard fans and even we can't get them! lol!!"

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.26 0 0 373
De rendes vagy... :))))))))))))))))))
Előzmény: judelaw (372)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.26 0 0 372
majd megengedem, hogy nálam hallgasd meg őket:))
Előzmény: MerBoy (371)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.26 0 0 371
Én csak most eszméltem, hogy a hazai boltok polcain nem fog rámmosolyogni ezek a kiadványok... :((((
Előzmény: judelaw (369)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.26 0 0 370
Kylie spoke out at the Ivor Novellos last night about how, over the years, she has had to constantly defend the fact that she doesn't ALWAYS write her own songs! It transpires that Kylie is writing much of the new album she is currently working on.

Kylie arrived at the Ivor Novellos last night, dressed in a very revealing top, to lose out in the Most Performed category to Liberty X's 'Just A Little'; Kylie had taken the other two slots in the nominations for that category with 'In Your Eyes' and 'Love At First Sight' (both tracks which have broken airplay records). She spoke to waiting media following the ceremony, commenting that she has always had to defend when she has sung other people's songs - and how she is often wrongly labelled as someone who has never written a song in her life - but commented "some of the best performers in history have sung other people's songs". She then went on to comment that in reality she does in fact write most of her own songs - how she finds it "incredibly inspirational" - but would never turn down a fantastic song "just because I hadn't written it". She went on to briefly talk about the thrill she is getting from being heavily involved in the new album she is currently working on, including writing much of the material.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.26 0 0 369
hát én még időben leadtam a rendelésemet szóban a külföldi beszerzőmnek:)))
Előzmény: MerBoy (368)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.26 0 0 368
Rendelt már valaki?
Előzmény: MerBoy (367)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.22 0 0 367
pre-order a két "új" Kylie albumot:
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.22 0 0 366
Kylie is tomorrow up for an award having been nominated twice in the Ivor Novello Awards for 2002. This follows amazing success at last year's event with Can't Get You Out Of My Head.
The songwriting awards take place tomorrow at Le Meridien Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London W1, with Kylie's winning looking highly likely. She is nominated TWICE in the category of Most Performed Work (Sponsored by PRS) with In Your Eyes and Love At First Sight. The third entry is Liberty X's Just A Little. Kylie's track Can't Get You Out Of My Head picked up 3 awards last year for writers Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis:

"The event belonged to Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis, whose joint inspiration Can’t Get You Out Of My Head, recorded by Kylie Minogue, collected a hat-trick of awards as the PRS Most Performed Work, The Ivors Dance Award and International Hit Of The Year. It was the first three-times winner in The Ivors for the same year since Believe in 1999. It was also nominated for the Best Selling UK Single."

MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.19 0 0 365
jöhetne hamarabb is... :)
Előzmény: judelaw (364)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.19 0 0 364
coming soon...

EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.05.14 0 0 363
De jó, hogykedvenc fagyis bácsi vagyok! :-)

És remélem, meglátjuk hamar, nem úgy, mint a tesó Neon Nights-át...

Előzmény: judelaw (358)
MerBoy Creative Commons License 2003.05.14 0 0 362
A Surrendert hallgatom és nagyon várom már ezt a két albumot. Tudom, csak a pénzre mennek, de nem érdekel...
Előzmény: judelaw (361)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.05.14 0 0 361
The finalised tracklistings for the reissue of 'Kylie Minogue' and 'Impossible Princess' have been announced, with slight alterations from the last reported version:

'Kylie Minogue' loses the (unimpressive) 'If I Was Your Lover' (Allstar Mix) and (uninspired) 'Confide In Me' (Damien's Confession Mix) and gains the fantastic, though previously released 'Confide In Me' (Big Brothers Mix) and 'If You Don't Love Me' (Acoustic Version), which we *believe* is different to the virtually-acoustic version released on the 'Confide In Me' single in 1994. 'Impossible Princess' remains the same to the list we previously reported. Full steam ahead for May 26th!

UK 24-track 2-CD album set
Released 26th May 2003 on BMG (UK)

1.Confide In Me
3.If I Was Your Lover
4.Where Is The Feeling ?
5.Put Yourself In My Place
6.Dangerous Game
7.Automatic Love
8.Where Has The Love Gone ?
10.Time Will Pass You By

1.Dangerous Game - (Dangerous Overture)
2.Confide In Me - (Justin Warfield Mix)
3.Put Yourself In My Place - (Dan's Old School Mix)
4.Where Is The Feeling ? - (Acoustic Version)
5.Nothing Can Stop Us
6.Love Is Waiting
7.Time Will Pass You By - (Paul Masterson Mix)
8.Where Is The Feeling ? - (West End TKO Mix)
9.Falling - (Alternative Mix)
10.Confide In Me - (Big Brothers Mix)
11.Surrender - (Talking Soul Mix)
12.Put Yourself In My Place - (Acoustic Version)
13.If You Don't Love Me - (Acoustic Version)
14.Confide In Me - (French Version)

UK 25-track 2-CD album set
Released 26th May 2003 on BMG (UK)

1.Too Far
2.Cowboy Style
3.Some Kind of Bliss
4.Did It Again
6.Say Hey
8.I Don't Need Anyone
11.Through the Years

1.Love Takes Over Me
2.Too Far - (Inner Door Mix)
3.Did It Again - (Did It Four Times Mix)
4.Breathe - (Tee's Dancehall Mix)
6.Too Far - (Junior's Riff Dub)
7.Breathe - (Tee's Dub Of Life)
8.Some Kind Of Bliss - (Quivver Mix)
9.Did It Again - (Razor-n-Go Duhb)
10.Breathe - (Tee's Glimmer Mix)
11.Too Far - (North Pole Mix)
12.Drunk - (Alternative Version)
13.This Girl
(kár, hogy a take Me with you edit lemaradt):(((

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!