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judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.03.31 0 0 330

Kylie is about to grace the cover of Australian Vogue once again, with stunning photos by Simon Emmett.

Other news: Kylie appears to have returned to the UK after a stop-off in LA on her way back from her promotional trip back home. She is thought to be continuing recording work for the new album. Radio 1 reported that she has recently recorded a track with The Neptunes, as was previously rumoured to be on the cards, called 'Blow My Whistle', although this is yet to be confirmed. There has also been reports that Bono has been 'helping out' during her recording sessions in Dublin. We're not sure if he is just lending moral support, or whether he is writing or recording with her - he was a great source of support and inspiration during her recording of Impossible Princess. Producer Pharell is further rumoured to be involved in the album, and sister Dannii recently commented that she is "writing with Kylie". And although Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis are yet to be named, it looks likely they will be involved somewhere down the line. Of the four tracks Kylie has worked on at BiffCo in Dublin, she commented that she "loves" two of them. Full steam ahead, it would seem!

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.03.22 0 0 329
There IS a god! Kylie has dismissed recent press revelations and set to work in earnest on recording material for her next album. She has started by writing and recording at BiffCo Studios in Dublin, the home of Stannard and Gallagher, who have worked on the previous two releases. She has also recently been spotted recently dabbling in jazz in Paris.

Following James Gooding's recent revelations in the press, Kylie is putting her work first, and finally being seen to be doing what she does best - songwriting and recording! The sessions in Ireland are thought to be the first of several over the next few weeks. Alisha's Attic's Karen Poole, who co-wrote Dannii's Put The Needle On It, has also been in Dublin writing with Kylie.

As reported yesterday on "Kylie was in good spirits and looked stunning in the Dublin sunshine yesterday as she went about her business. When asked to pose for ShowBiz Ireland outside BIFFCO studios the pint sized star flashed her famous smile and gave us some great poses. Nice one Kylie!"

Our spies tell us that Kylie is also due in Holland today and tomorrow to record at the Wisseloord Studios, possibly songs from the writers behind ATC and Milk Inc. (they have reportedly written 10 songs for her!), and she is also rumoured to be pencilled in for further studio work when she arrives in Australia in a few days (also to promote LoveKylie) - one famous Australian dance producer has been named, but nothing has been confirmed. She is only due in Australia for 3 days, so perhaps this one is a fib! Similarly, rumours suggest more recording in Europe, but this has not been confirmed either. Thus far, no recording with The Neptunes has been arranged, so it is unclear whether that is now going to materialise. LiMBO is keeping its fingers crossed that Justin Timberlake won't appear on Kylie's recording schedule either! Exact details of sessions will become more readily available as work on the album progresses, so keep checking back for news as we get it.

There has been one trashy story running in the media over the past couple of days, which annoyingly ties together Gooding with Kylie's current recording work. She is reported to have been laying down a 'break-up song' targetted at Gooding while at BiffCo. True or not? Who knows, but if it is maybe it'll be the inspiration for a powerful performance.

Other news: Kylie recently wowed the assembled crowd at the 50th birthday bash for Chloé - pictured here. She tried her hand at jazz as she performed My Baby Just Cares For Me at the Café de Flore on the Boulevard St Germain in Paris. As reported in the Guardian's Insider column (Warning!! James Gooding reference!!): "Allow us to take you on a mental journey to last Thursday and Chloé's 50th birthday party at a cafe on the Boulevard St Germain - Insider, a select few other worthies and Kylie Minogue singing jazz. As much as we adored hearing Ms Minogue singing My Baby Just Cares for Me, and loved the surprise arrival of Tilda Swinton at 1am, the real excitement was the appearance of Kylie's new man, the delectable Olivier Martinez, who (bless!) stared adoringly at his popette all evening. James who?"

golic Creative Commons License 2003.03.14 0 0 328
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.03.14 0 0 327
Kylie Minogue's breakthrough in the US has been recognised by a top industry awards ceremony. The Australian singer's last album, Fever, reached number three in the US charts when it was released there a year ago, off the back of the success of her hit Can't Get You Out Of My Head. It was the 34-year-old's first real success in the US since her pop career began in 1988.

Industry magazine Music Week awarded the singer and her record label EMI its international breakthrough prize at its annual awards on Thursday night. Last month she teamed up with Justin Timberlake to perform at the Grammys in New York, repeating the double-act she formed with him at the Brits. In the UK, Fever re-entered the top 75 chart at number 56 this week, 15 months after it was originally released.

golic Creative Commons License 2003.03.06 0 0 326
Kylie Minogue a minap először beszélt volt barátjával, James Gooding-al való szakításáról. Az ausztrál popcsillag elmondta, nagyon szomorú lett, amikor meghallotta, hogy ex-barátja bevonult egy klinikára, ahol a szakításuk miatti depresszióval kezelik, hozzátette azonban, hogy nincs esélye a kibékülésnek, kapcsolatuk végleg zátonyra futott. 'Sajnálom, hogy így kiborult. James egy nagyon tehetséges ember, és minden jót kívánok neki karrierje folytatásában.'- mondta a 34 éves énekesnő.
Nem tagadta, hogy valamikor erős érzelmeket táplált a modell Gooding iránt, azonban mára ezek az érzések elhalványultak: 'James és én nagyon közel álltunk egymáshoz egy darabig, és nagyon szerettük egymást, legalábbis amit részemről elmondhatok. Azt hiszem mindketten nagyon nagy erőfeszítéseket tettünk a kapcsolat jól működése érdekében, de sajnos, amint az nagyon sok pár esetében megtörténik, külön irányba terelődött figyelmünk.'
Úgy tűnik, Kylie azt is megbocsátotta James-nek, hogy a múlt hónapi Brit Awards díjátadó utáni vacsorája közben a csalódott szerelmes jelenetet rendezett egy étteremben, amiért Timberlake-el való közös fellépésükön, az belemarkolt Kylie hátsójába. A kínos jelentet Kylie testőreinek közbelépése szakította félbe, akik kitessékelték az ágáló szerelmest.

kylie is a POP elején!! láttam a képet, tök fura rajta. a szemöldöke tök ki van szõkítve (a la madonna) és fekete-fehér fotó (a la madonna:))))

golic Creative Commons License 2003.03.04 0 0 325
Kylie to star in Cats

POP princess Kylie Minogue is set to star in a $120 million film version of the musical Cats.
Minogue, whose most recent film appearance lasted 15 seconds as the Green Fairy in Moulin Rouge, is believed to have been offered $6 million to star in the movie. A Hollywood source says Madonna and Victoria Beckham also have been approached for the film, which goes into production in October. Earlier this week, the chanteuse hinted another acting role wasn't far off. "I have a
really strong desire to find a brilliant role with the right people and I feel it's getting closer," she said. "I feel I've almost exhausted all the stuff I can do in music on the last few albums."

Minogue's film career has been fraught since strong reviews for The Delinquents in 1989. She has appeared in a string of strugglers such as Streetfighter, Cut and Sample People.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.28 0 0 324
na szoval, en szeretem a Neptunes-t, de elegge nehezemre esik elkepzelni, amint Kylie egy "I'm a slave for you"-jellegu dalt ad elo, foleg a fever follow-up-jakent...

Kylie Minogue is thought to be the latest recipient of the golden touch of super-producers the Neptunes who are in talks over work on her forthcoming album.

After meeting with one-half of the renowned team, Pharrell Williams - in London with side-project N*E*R*D - Kylie now looks likely to follow in the footsteps of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake who have both had hits with Neptunes productions.

Williams invited Kylie to last week's N*E*R*D show at London's Astoria (February 17) and Kylie has spent time with him and Timberlake during their stay in the capital.

A spokesperson for Kylie said: "Kylie loves the band, she loves their music and really enjoyed the gig.

"Pharrell is a big fan of Kylie and the feeling is mutual. They have discussed working together on new material, which would happen when Kylie goes into the studio to record her new album."

However, a much-discussed partnership between the Neptunes and Kylie's labelmates Blur, talked up during Pharrell's last visit to London with N*E*R*D, failed to transpire.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.28 0 0 323
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.28 0 0 322

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.28 0 0 321

tegnap kaptam egy negylemezes Video CD-kollekciot kylie-klippekkel

az elso disc a korai klipekbol (lotyomoson, eszpessolliforju) szemezget

a masodik a confide in me-vel indit, majd jonnek szepen sorba a kedvencek (put yourself in my place, where is the feeling, stb)

a 3. lemez a spinning around-dal elkezdodott korszakba kalauzol (az on a night like this sajnos a "bugyi is van rajta" verzioban szerepel)

a 4. pedig a fever albumhoz kapcsolodo klipeket es tv-fellepeseket gyujti ossze

na es a sidney-i olimpia ket relevans musorszama is helyet kapott a kollekcion

es most tok jo nekem:))))

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.28 0 0 320
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.28 0 0 319

golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 318
Előzmény: judelaw (316)
EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 317
Mert mezítláb van, azért gondolod? :-)
Előzmény: golic (315)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 316
igen, mert Ice (minden- feltetelezett- intellektusa ellenere) erosen jobboldali...
Előzmény: golic (315)
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 315
gondolom neked a jobboldali kép jobban bejön, kedves fagylalt.:)
Előzmény: EyeScream (313)
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 314
erre most úgy mondanék valamit...
Előzmény: judelaw (312)
EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 313
Drót és mikrofon, Fever és I Should Be So Lucky...

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 312
amugy meg nem elunk vagyonkozossegben (pedig en jol jarnek veled):))))
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 311
majd ha megmutattad a barsonytokot:)))
Előzmény: EyeScream (310)
EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 310
És akkor nekem miért nincs meg? :-)
Előzmény: judelaw (309)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 309
ami nekem mar meg is van video CD-n is :))))
Előzmény: EyeScream (308)
EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 308
Mindig is mondtam, hogy az On A Night Like This méltánytalanul lett csak egy a single-ek közül... Az egy annyira erös nóta! Különösen abban a fényben, hogy micsoda csúcspontja volt az olimpiai záróünnepségnek.
Előzmény: judelaw (307)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 307
The new Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras CD is out now! The 2 CD set opens with Kylie's Bini & Martini mix of On A Night Like This, alongside 29 other tracks.
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.25 0 0 306
Előzmény: judelaw (305)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.25 0 0 305
Kylie feneke ellen tiltakoznak rajongói

2003. február 25., kedd 12:30

Egy csapat Kylie Monigue-rajongó kampányt indított azért, hogy az énekesnő minél előbb hagyjon fel hátsója mutogatásával. A fanklub szerint Kylie feneke beárnyékolja művészetét.

Az ausztrál popdívát, aki nemrég saját tervezésű alsóneműivel aratott sikert Angliában, nyílt levéllel keresték meg rajongói.

"Kylie, ami sok, az sok. Nem bírjuk tovább. Tartsd a feneked a nadrágodban. Az arany bugyi a Spinning Around klipben még ügyes reklámfogás volt, de köszönjük, elég belőle", írják az énekesnő aggódó hívei levelükben, amelyet az Ananova közölt.

"Nem sokára már csak a fenekedről fognak megismerni. Szégyen, hogy egy tehetséges sztár ilyen mélyre süllyedhet. Ha nem vigyázol, az újságok a nagymellű Jordan-féle nőkkel fognak egy lapon említeni", folytatódik a levél.

"Tudjuk, hogy főként a sajtó hibája az, hogy feneked híresebb lett nálad, de te bátorítottad őket. Ígérd meg, hogy amikor ősszel visszatérsz, elfeledteted velünk ezt a testrészedet."

Kylie a legszexisebb

Mint arról hírt adtunk, egy 2002-es, tízezres mintájú felmérés során a megkérdezettek Kylie Minogue-ot találták a legerotikusabb sztárnak. Az énekesnő Halle Berryt és Jennifer Lopezt megelőzve vitte el a pálmát

golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.22 0 0 304
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.21 0 0 303
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.21 0 0 302
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.21 0 0 301

ez az, amit jude is nagyon szeretne:

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!