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judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 309
ami nekem mar meg is van video CD-n is :))))
Előzmény: EyeScream (308)
EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 308
Mindig is mondtam, hogy az On A Night Like This méltánytalanul lett csak egy a single-ek közül... Az egy annyira erös nóta! Különösen abban a fényben, hogy micsoda csúcspontja volt az olimpiai záróünnepségnek.
Előzmény: judelaw (307)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.26 0 0 307
The new Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras CD is out now! The 2 CD set opens with Kylie's Bini & Martini mix of On A Night Like This, alongside 29 other tracks.
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.25 0 0 306
Előzmény: judelaw (305)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.25 0 0 305
Kylie feneke ellen tiltakoznak rajongói

2003. február 25., kedd 12:30

Egy csapat Kylie Monigue-rajongó kampányt indított azért, hogy az énekesnő minél előbb hagyjon fel hátsója mutogatásával. A fanklub szerint Kylie feneke beárnyékolja művészetét.

Az ausztrál popdívát, aki nemrég saját tervezésű alsóneműivel aratott sikert Angliában, nyílt levéllel keresték meg rajongói.

"Kylie, ami sok, az sok. Nem bírjuk tovább. Tartsd a feneked a nadrágodban. Az arany bugyi a Spinning Around klipben még ügyes reklámfogás volt, de köszönjük, elég belőle", írják az énekesnő aggódó hívei levelükben, amelyet az Ananova közölt.

"Nem sokára már csak a fenekedről fognak megismerni. Szégyen, hogy egy tehetséges sztár ilyen mélyre süllyedhet. Ha nem vigyázol, az újságok a nagymellű Jordan-féle nőkkel fognak egy lapon említeni", folytatódik a levél.

"Tudjuk, hogy főként a sajtó hibája az, hogy feneked híresebb lett nálad, de te bátorítottad őket. Ígérd meg, hogy amikor ősszel visszatérsz, elfeledteted velünk ezt a testrészedet."

Kylie a legszexisebb

Mint arról hírt adtunk, egy 2002-es, tízezres mintájú felmérés során a megkérdezettek Kylie Minogue-ot találták a legerotikusabb sztárnak. Az énekesnő Halle Berryt és Jennifer Lopezt megelőzve vitte el a pálmát

golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.22 0 0 304
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.21 0 0 303
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.21 0 0 302
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.21 0 0 301

ez az, amit jude is nagyon szeretne:

golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.19 0 0 300
most megint kájlit hallgatok...:)))) és olyan jóóóó.... breathe.... breathe.... hmmmmm....:))))
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.18 0 0 299
The Bulgarian music television MMtv has announced the nominations for their annual awards. Kylie Minogue is nominated with “Come into my world”
in the category for Best Foreign Video. The other nominees in the category are:

Madonna- Die Another Day
Missy Elliot - “Work it”
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - “By the way”
Robbie Williams - “Feel”

most melyik nomnek szoritsak?:)))

PLEASE STAY Creative Commons License 2003.02.17 0 0 298
Hát újra együtt James Goodinggal,csak nehogy megint sirás legyen a vége.
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.16 0 0 297
PLEASE STAY Creative Commons License 2003.02.16 0 0 296
Kylie Angliában!A The Sun honlapján több exkluziv fotó jelent meg a pophercegnőröl.Egyedül vacsorázott egy elegáns étteremben és ezt örökitették meg a fotósok.A fényképeken kedvesen mosolyog és vonzóbb ,mint valaha-irják.
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.10 0 0 295

Following the much talked about documentary Living With Michael Jackson on Monday evening, Kylie appeared on various news bulletins yesterday giving her opinion of the show, and stating that she feels sorry for Jackson.

Kylie Minogue says Michael Jackson deserves sympathy rather than rebuke, after revealing he shares his bed with young boys. The Australian singer says she was left feeling confused after watching the programme, as interviewer Martin Bashir did not ask Jackson whether he had received counselling after an abusive childhood.

Minogue said: "I thought it was fascinating. There were things I was surprised by in a kind of pleasant way - and other things where it all fell apart. I really feel for the guy, I really do."

She told ITV News: "I think he deserves some sympathy, definitely. The question I ended up having was whether he'd really ever had any psychological help. He may not have because he has created this world to avoid. I think what the documentary shows was that it's all about immortality."

This all occurred during the publicity for the launch of her new UK Love Kylie lingerie range, previously only available in Australia. The launch happened at Selfridge's in London yesterday - the store will be stocking the lingerie in their London and Manchester stores.

Kylie's million knicker
Looking after the bottom line ... Kylie at the launch of her underwear range yesterday
By Erica Davies Fashion Editor, The Sun, 5th Feb 2003

Kylie Minogue showed off her sexy new underwear yesterday and shoppers were desperate to get them. The Aussie singing sensation hopes to make a million with her undies and from the way they were selling that’s a sure thing.

We revealed the LoveKylie range in The Sun last week and here Page 3 girls Nikkala and Serena show them off at their best. Kylie launched her lingerie at London store Selfridges where the range will be sold exclusively. Kylie was dressed up for the launch and looked stunning in a silver Miu Miu frock and matching Manolo Blahnik sandals as she was flanked by models wearing her designs. But she does model the sheer designs in a saucy video showing in the shop’s window. She said making the film was easy: “All I had to do was jump up and down in my underpants!”

But despite her skimpy styles with names such as Diva, Fever, Vamp and Sheer Escape, Kylie said she still privately prefers BIG pants. She admitted: “Personally I’m into the fuller brief, though I don’t have any proper Bridget Jones pants like in the Renée Zellweger movie.” The LoveKylie range is being hailed as one of the sexiest celebrity clothing ranges available and by the end of the day most of the selection had been snapped up.

Kylie has shown she can frill in her scanties before, filming an advert for Agent Provocateur undies last year. The advert had her straddling a bucking bronco in bra, stockings and suspenders and could only be shown in cinemas with an 18 certificate. Kylie, worth around Ł20million, reckons her new range is one of the “most adventurous” designs to date.

Fingering a pair of black panties with pink edging she said: “They are quite saucy.” The 34-year-old continued: “My aim is that the lingerie is fashionable, flirtatious, comfortable and enjoyable to wear. Fashion gives us so many opportunities to achieve a different look or feel on any given day and my lingerie reflects that.”

Other news: Kylie will be making a handful of TV appearances to promote Love Kylie now that she is back in the UK. You can catch her on Ant & Dec's Saturday Takeaway this weekend, plus Liquid News on BBC3 on Monday (10th) - her first appearance on the show after promising the now sadly deceased Christopher Price that she would come on the show during their Kylie Special last year. She will also be popping up on CelebDaq on BBC3 on 9th and 14th February.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.10 0 0 294
Kylie has given an interview to Australia's Daily Telegraph, and commenting on how her summer holiday at home has been a resounding success.

Her bottom is almost as famous as her face, yet Kylie Minogue doesn't always feel comfortable in her celebrity skin. In an exclusive interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Minogue confessed that she cringes when scrutinised in provocative lingerie.

"There is normally a point in any shoot where you are more or less guaranteed that I am going to have a moment and just go, 'Eewww, I don't want to be in this – can't someone else do it? But, let's face it, I've been photographed in knickers prior to having a lingerie line – it's not that much of a leap."

Anyway, businesswoman Minogue is concerned with bottom lines of another kind. The new raunchy photographs mark the UK launch of the Love Kylie underwear range and are set to cause a stir in her de facto home of London – where her derriere is considered something of a national treasure.

Minogue has been hiding out in her parent's Melbourne home, rallying from her very messy and very public break up with long-term boyfriend James Gooding. Readjusting to her new status as a single, the 34-year-old international star sounded carefree and relaxed. She shrugged off the insatiable curiosity about all facets of the international Kylie phenomenon.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm more than ok," she said. "I am single – and I must say I haven't been out, just been spending quiet time with my family. Just being – which is normally the hardest thing for me to do. So I haven't really felt single or not single. I've just been being me."

Minogue's break with Gooding, an English model, provoked an international media storm. To make matters worse, the singer and her family had to contend with rumours that she had succumbed to a nervous break down. She dismisses the rumours smoothly, describing them as mere gossip.

"I'm in the fortunate position where my ex-boyfriend James and I talk – we talk all the time," she said. "Actually, I just received a gift package from him . . . books and photographs," she trailed off, words failing her. "I think the two of us are still very much a part of each others' lives and that separation process just takes time."

The low-key time Minogue spent in Australia was the ideal precursor for 2003, a year when the celebrity of 'Kylie' is set to amplify. Nominated for a Grammy for her dance single Love at First Sight, Minogue is hoping to complete her conquest of the US charts, just as she long ago made Australia's and Britain's her own. For the moment, however, the Yanks seem just as impressed by Minogue's business acumen as her vocal.

"It's funny, when I've done promotions in the US they almost always mention (Love Kylie), and I don't know if they see it as a kind of success or something, but they go 'oh, you've got your own lingerie line," she said, with a poor attempt at an American accent.

Heavily involved in the design and production of her underwear namesake, Minogue said she finds it easy switching gears.

"I've always had that since day one, starting first as an actress; 'oh, you can't sing, you can't do that, you can't do this," she recalled. "I'm so used to confronting the pigeon holes ... I've battled against that for such a long time, and quite successfully. Now I think people expect different things from me. I don't know quite how I did it, but I am pleased."

For someone who has staked out her territory star land a decade ago, Minogue said catching a glimpse of herself on a magazine cover can still be startling.

"Sometimes I could be, 'yeah, there she is," or I could say, 'there I am.' It depends on what the photograph is and what context it is," she muses.

Although Minogue has denied she will be moving to America to live she told The Sunday Telegraph she will be returning to Australia in March as a special guest of the Melbourne Fashion Festival. Admitting that she relishes any opportunity to return home, Minogue said work commitments can eat into the pleasure of being on home soil.

"Everyone knows how much Australia means to me and I try to get back here as much as I can, but normally it's for work so I'm in and out and jetlagged and stressed."

But her Australian summer break was a remarkable hiatus that prepared her physically and mentally for the hectic year that lies ahead.

"I have had the best time," she says, drawing out every word for emphasis. "This is such a special summer holiday for me. I haven't known myself so relaxed in years, literally years, so I can safety say I've had what I believe is called a holiday, and I'd like to take it up professionally."

Minogue will be returning to her home town later this year to launch the Melbourne Fashion Festival. But with her career moving at light speed there seems little chance of that.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.02.07 0 0 293
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.04 0 0 292
kösz az infót!
Előzmény: Better the devil you know (291)
Better the devil you know Creative Commons License 2003.02.04 0 0 291
Kylie Minogue azt nyilatkozta szülőhazájában,hogy az elkövetkező hat hónapot pihenéssel tölti és annyit lesz rákos beteg édesapjával-Ron Minogue-,amennyit csak lehet.Ezt a rendkivüli nyári szabadságot a fővárosban tölti szüleivel.
golic Creative Commons License 2003.02.01 0 0 290
best magazin elején: kylie gátlástalanul utánozza madonnát!
jó képek btw.
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.01.29 0 0 289
Madonna, J-Lo and Justin Timberlake lead the nominations list - Dirty Vegas, Paul Oakenfold, Kylie Minogue and DJ Sammy grab multiple nods.

DanceStar USA The American Dance Music Awards is set for Wednesday March 19th on the sands of South Beach, Miami and has today announced its nominations for the second annual music awards show. Madonna, J-Lo and Justin Timberlake capture the spotlight this year, each with nominations for 'Best Chart Act' and 'Best Remix'. Dirty Vegas, Paul Oakenfold and DJ Sammy are also set to dominate the awards show after having been nominated for multiple awards. Dirty Vegas receives five award category nominations including 'Record of the Year' and 'Best Album' while Spain's DJ Sammy also scoops three. Paul Oakenfold, an original architect of the dance scene, has also been nominated in four categories including 'Best International DJ' and 'Best Act'.

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.01.25 0 0 288

Several online and newspaper reports have been stating that Kylie is "fed up" with the UK and intends to move lock, stock and barrel to the US, where she will spend the next year cementing her recent chart success there. As also reported on, we can confirm that this is completely untrue. Although she will undoubtedly spend some time there, with the possibility of recording some tracks for the follow-up to Fever in America (just as with other countries), this year will be mostly spent writing and recording the new album from her permanent base in London. As far as we are aware some songs from other writing teams have already been put forward for Kylie to consider, as well as Kylie herself penning several tracks. LiMBO hopes that 2003 will see her throwing herself back into songwriting, something for which she is highly underrated.

The second rumour we have heard is that old "Kylie to star in Grease 3" gem, which has surfaced again. Again, this is not true. As has been pointed out before, whoever started this rumour failed to note that Kylie is now closer to 40 than 20, so she would hardly fit the bill for the part she is rumoured to be playing, regardless of how young she might look!

A far more distasteful rumour which made it to Australian radio this week was one about Kylie in being involved in a car accident in London. Yet again, NOT true in any shape or form. The radio station involved, Nova FM, really should have taken some responsibility before running the 'news' item and checked their facts - they failed to realise that Kylie is in fact still in Australia, where she has been since Christmas!! She has also been spotted around town on several occasions since the supposed accident.

One news report this week which appears to be true is one about the Kylie Musical 'I Should Be So Lucky'. After Kylie & Co came on board in the development of the previously low-key Australian stage show to make it into a 'spectacular' to rival Mama Mia (though in style the show was more Boy George's Taboo than Abba's Mama Mia), reports suggest that plans have been shelved indefinately, which is a massive shame for the amazing show. We featured an interview and promo for the show on its original launch in Melbourne, which you can still read here. Show your support for 'Lucky' and maybe we can get the show back on stage!

Kylie is still taking time out at home in Australia, spending much needed quality time with family and friends. She has been spotted in various places around Melbourne, including at today's Australian Tennis Open, where she stopped, as always, to sign autographs and have photos taken. As one onlooker commented "she looked stunning and did not stop smiling". Sounds like our Kylie! ...

Kylie sadly hasn't received any Brit Awards nominations this year, after cleaning up last year and being heralded as the Queen Of The Brits. Not to worry though, this is apparently only due to the fact that she hasn't had an album release this year, which we're told prevents her from being nominated. There are rumours around that she will still steal the show though, by performing a duet with a certain big UK act

Love Kylie lingerie hits shops in the UK on Valentines Day. They will be exclusively available at Selfridge's in London and Manchester...

Finally, Kylie will be on the cover of the new issue of POP magazine in the UK. The magazine is available to pick up at WHSmith, Virgin, HMV etc, and available from February 14th

judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.01.25 0 0 287
Sophie Ellis-Bextor Murder On The Dance Floor című száma volt az európai rádióadók által 2002-ben legtöbbet játszott dal. Az angol kislemezlistán második helyig jutott dal olyanokat nyomott le a csúcsról, mint a Westlife, az Atomic Kitten és a Sugababes, és persze a kis Kylie.

A TOP 10:

1. Murder On The Dance Floor - Sophie Ellis Bextor
2. In Your Eyes - Kylie
3. Love At First Sight - Kylie
4. World Of Our Own - Westlife
5. Freak Like Me - Sugababes
6. Can't Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie
7. If Tomorrow Never Comes - Ronan Keating
8. Just A Little - Liberty X
9. It's OK - Atomic Kitten
10. Tide Is High - Atomic Kitten

EyeScream Creative Commons License 2003.01.23 0 0 286
OLYAN durvát hallottam ma!
Német rádióreklám a Rewe szupermarket számára. A Can't Get You... megy a szövegelés alatt instrumentalisch, a végén viszont a dallamra beéneklik, hogy "Rewe, immer wieder billig und marktfrisch, super dieser markt". Szerencse, hogy nem sokat ettem elötte.
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.01.22 0 0 285
legalabb a csaladban tortenik valami:

Dannii’s new single I Begin To Wonder will be released in the UK on March 3rd 2003. The single will be released on 2 x CD and cassette single. The track hits UK clubs this week. More info on international release dates soon!

You can vote to see the amazing new video for I Begin To Wonder on THE BOX. Telephone 09067 533 400 and vote for selection number 922 – its worth it!

After months of hard work the brand new album Neon Nights will be released in the UKMarch 17th 2003. It will feature all the singles so far including Put The Needle On It and Who Do You Love Now?.

News also reaches us that Put The Needle On It is receiving airplay in the US! The track has entered the Top 150 Pop Airplay Chart.

golic Creative Commons License 2003.01.22 0 0 284
golic Creative Commons License 2003.01.20 0 0 283
jah, csak ha idén nem ad ki lemezt, az amcsik hamar elfelejtik, és 10 évig megint az lesz, hogy "ja, a cantgetyououtofmyhead"-es csaj...:)))
Előzmény: judelaw (281)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.01.20 0 0 282
marmint ez volt a cime az altalad donttellme-snek minositett klipnek
Előzmény: judelaw (276)
judelaw Creative Commons License 2003.01.20 0 0 281
na ja, be kene torni az amcsi piacra...vagy inkabb megszilardulni...meg allitolag Madonna is vissza akar koltozni, ugyebar...
Előzmény: golic (279)
golic Creative Commons License 2003.01.19 0 0 280

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!