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...mi a manó...


The Seven Rishis — who are often identified to the seven stars of Septemtrio (Ursa Minor) or of Ursa Major — are often alluded to in the Bible and in the Gospels in connection with these constellations, said to be their Celestial representations (Rev. 1:16; 1:20; 2:1; 3:1; Amos 5:8; Zech. 3:9; etc.). This is "the mystery of the Angels of the Seven Churches" mentioned there, and who are the Seven Manus (or"Saviours" or "Angels") of the seven eras of humanity that have already elapsed in the Hindu scheme that is indeed followed by all ancient nations.

Every time a new zodiacal era starts — as is happening now that we are entering the Era of Aquarius and the Millennium — an angelic Saviour (or Manu) descends in an avatar ("descent", "coming", "manifestation") in order to "save" humanity and make safe our crossing into the new era. It was thus with Jesus ("Saviour"), and it will be so soon, when we enter the Third Millennium and our new lord — whose secret name cannot yet be disclosed — manifests himself to all. It is also no coincidence that Jesus was also called Emmanuel (or Manuel), that is, "the Lord Manu" (Manu-el).

--------A szkíta népek hitvilága...szkitnyik torhil


Vándorsólyom (Falco peregrinus) kevésbé ismert név: Torhil nagy és erős sólyom , és a bekövetkezett földjeinket.


Соколът скитник (Falco peregrinus) по-слабо известен с наименованието: Торхъл, е едър и мощен сокол, срещащ се и по нашите земи.


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