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Hol és ki tanította neked, hogy személyesen a pápa koronázta császárrá VII. Henriket?


"On June 22, the Emperor-elect finally ordered the cardinals to carry out the coronation at the Lateran Basilica, and the Cardinals reluctantly agreed to do so (Acta Henrici VII, no.21, pp. 48-50; Nicholas of Botrinto, in Baluzius, II, 1200). Henry was crowned at the Lateran Basilica (or what was left of it, after the ruinous fire of 1308) on June 29, 1312, the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul (Gregorovius, VI. 1, p. 59-60). The crown was placed on his head—under formal protest of the Cardinals, who did not have proper instructions from Pope Clement (The instructions which they did have are published in Acta Henrici VII Vol. 2, no. 20, pp.42-48).   The coronation was carried out by Cardinal Niccolò Alberti, Bishop of Ostia (Ferreto of Vicenza II, 60-61; see Gregorovius, p. 60 n.3; and Baddeley, p. 106):


sicque a Rege in templum Beati Ioannis in Laterano denique ventum est, quo postquam studiosus applicuit, Nicolaus de Prato Hostiensis et Vellitrensis episcopus cardinalis, apostolice Sedis legatus, ad altare perveniens, missam in laudem apostolorum celebrem exorditur, cui ministrantes Arnaldus et Lucas memorati cum clero, solemnibus vocum iubilis pariter concinnunt. iamque post angelorum canticum et evangeliste sacri paginam simbolum decantarant, et ecce sacerdos memoratus ex ara bicipitem mitram nivei coloris accipiens, Caesare pronis genibus coram flexo, capite eius reverenter imposuit; dein protinus aureum diadema superponens, obsequio ministrorum adiutus, illi pomum aureum sinistra, sceptrum vero regium in dextra obtulit....


The Cardinal Bishop of Ostia already had permission from the Pope in his original instructions to anoint the Emperor, though the ceremonial in these instructions envisioned that the Pope himself would place the mitre and crown on the Emperor's head (Acta Henrici VII, p. 45)."




Előzmény: Haralamos (205)