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a 433-ig vezető események a keleti oldalon


Juqu Mengxun  368–433

401-433 hun fővezér



Rather than killing Liang's wife and children as might be expected, Juqu Mengxun sent them to Liang, commenting, "I treated Liang like a brother, but he did not trust me. He did not betray me, but himself; ...



Northern Liang (397-439)





Juqu Zhengde (沮渠政德) lett volna az utód, de 423-ban a rouran avarok elleni háborúban meghalt

Juqu Xingguo (沮渠興國) lett utána de 429-ben túszul ejtették és Juqu Mengxunnak nem sikerült váltságdijat fizetni

Juqu Puti (沮渠菩提) lett a kiválasztott utód, de a törzsi tanács túl fiatalnak tartotta

és Juqu Mujian-t nevezte ki utódnak

Juqu Mengxun 433-ban beteg lett és nemsokára meghalt






az északi wei 427-ben elfoglalta az egyik shonju fővárost, 429-ben megtámadta az avarokat


In 427, after fighting dangerously but with Cui at his side, Emperor Taiwu captured the Xia capital Tongwan (in modern Yulin, Shaanxi), forcing the Xia emperor Helian Chang to flee to Shanggui


In 429 Emperor Taiwu attacked Rouran. (Cui believed that further major conflicts with Liu Song were inevitable, and that Northern Wei must first deal Rouran a major defeat to avoid being attacked on both sides.) 


Emperor Taiwu instead launched one final attack against Xia's emperor Helian Ding (Helian Chang's brother), seizing what remained of Xia territory and forcing Helian Ding to flee west, where he was captured by Tuyuhun's khan Murong Mugui (慕容慕璝) in 431.



és 444-ben halálbüntetést szabott ki a buddhistákra


was a devout Taoist, under the influence of his prime minister Cui Hao, and in 444, at Cui Hao's suggestion and believing that Buddhists had supported the rebellion of Gai Wu (蓋吳), he ordered the abolition of Buddhism, at the penalty of death. 




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