Őrült kacsa a zebrán Creative Commons License 2024.04.12 0 0 2025



D York-Southport


Our friend D York is back and this time he's been on his travels... and when he's been out and about you just know there is new music from him.


Free/name your price for 3 days.

David sums up the 3 tracks here

Longleaf is named after the trail I recorded the field recording on in Brunswick Nature Park. Caswell is named for Caswell Beach. It was cold and windy as hell that day which necessitated some extreme eq on the field recording even though I had a nice furry windscreen on my recorder. Finally, Riverside is named after the Cape Fear River where I recorded the last field recording. The hotel we stayed in was right on the river but honestly it seemed more like an ocean port since it feeds into the ocean.

If you get a moment head towards David's BC page and show some support
