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This is quite remarkable. Kirkpatrick, the former head of the Pentagon's AARO UFO investigation program, reveals that several of his colleagues in the intelligence community or military secretly held entirely baseless beliefs in non-human UFOs, and they accused him of a cover-up. This is a problem.

Steven Greenstreet @MiddleOfMayhem UFO RELIGION INFILTRATED US MILITARY & CONGRESS, THREATENS NATIONAL SECURITY - EX PENTAGON CHIEF MAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORING THIS SHOCKING STORY A former senior Pentagon official has sounded the alarm about a UFO "religion" that has infiltrated the US military, duped the US Congress and could put national security at risk. Sean Kirkpatrick, former director of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), spent 18 months preparing an in-depth report on the UFO mania that has gripped America since 2017. The report: https://aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/AARO_Historical_Record_Report_Vol_1_2024.pdf?ver=WwWcCg5XNKBtz9PnBXMI8A%3d%3d Kirkpatrick discovered a small network of "religious" UFO "conspiracists", both in and out of government, spreading unfounded tall tales about aliens in order to get taxpayer resources for their paranormal crusade. Today, in an interview with @NSSASpace, Kirkpatrick re-emphasized his concern that these UFO activists inside government are propelled by fringe beliefs rather than evidence and are a potential threat to national security. My February 2024 @nypost reporting exposed this dubious group of religious UFO crusaders and the Congressional leaders they've duped: https://nypost.com/video/ufo-religion-influencing-congress-to-hunt-aliens-says-top-pentagon-official/ My March 2023 @nypost report previously exposed the "UFO" story as a lie: https://nypost.com/2023/03/21/ufo-believing-pentagon-bosses-missed-spy-craft-for-years/ The rest of the mainstream media continues to ignore this shocking story, playfully promulgating false stories about UFOs and aliens.