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És néhány szó a Sir-Tech Canada jövőjéről...

"Peacefully closing *******

After finally a release date for Wizardry 8 has been settled earlier this week, we had the chance to ask 4 questions to Robert Sirotek, president of Sir-Tech, about him, the company and future Wizardry/Jagged Alliance titles:

RPGDot: Wizardry 8 will be released november 15th in North America; what about other territories (except Poland & Russia, which already have a publisher)? Are you still looking for publishers in Europe and Australia?

Robert Sirotek: We have licensing agreements in place for many countries, but nothing yet for Europe. We have someone for Australia.

RPGDot: What about Sir-Tech's future now? About 6 weeks ago you told me, you will close down and that Ian & Linda Currie have left or about to leave the company. You also said that a handful of Sir-Tech employees will take care of Wizardry 8 support. Now I see Linda still around the boards as a Sir Tech representative. Has anything changed? Will Sir-Tech continue business?

Robert Sirotek: Wizardry 8 will be supported, but Sirtech will close down. Wizardry 8 will be the last product it will ever produce, but it certainly is the finest product it has produced.

RPGDot: And what about Wizardry 9 or other future projects such as Jagged Alliance 3? You said, if you don't find funding, you stop development, which happened some weeks ago. Will we despite see a Wizardry 9? Did you or will you sell the Wizardry or Jagged Alliance trademark to another company?

Robert Sirotek: The brand names for Wizardry and Jagged Alliance are owned by us. We will engage in discussions with anyone willing to consider purchasing the trademarks. Otherwise, it is doubtful anyone will ever see another Wizardry or Jagged Alliance.

RPGDot: What else is happening with you and other Sir-Tech employes?

Robert Sirotek: I am licensing off Wizardry 8 to publishers in available countries and peacefully closing the company. Then I will take a break for a few months (haven't done this since I started in the software industry 22 years ago), spend a few nice moments with my family, and decide what I want to do.
More news on the Sirtech employees may follow."