Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.05.26 0 0 205
A fülbevaló csak azt jelzi, hogy volt még valaki a kocsiban, mivel nem valószinű, hogy azok, akiket megtaláltak, ilyet hordtak volna. (Any of those dead kids wearin'pearl earrings? - No. Could be someone's missin' maybe. - That's what I'm thinkin'.)

Íme a párbeszéd, többé-kevésbé:
ADAM Howdy to you.
COWBOY Beautiful night.
ADAM Yeah.
COWBOY Sure want to thank ya for drivin' all the way up to see me from that nice downtown hotel.
ADAM No problem. What's on your mind?
COWBOY Well now, here's a man who wants to get right to it. Kinda anxious to get to it are ya?
ADAM Whatever.
COWBOY A man's attitude ... a man's attitude goes some ways toward how a man's life will be. Is that somethin' you can agree with?
ADAM Sure.
COWBOY Now... did you answer cause you thought that's what I wanted to hear or did you think about what I said and answer cause you truly believe that to be right?
ADAM I agree with what you said...truly.
COWBOY What did I say?
ADAM That a man's attitude determines to a large extent how his life will be.
COWBOY So since you agree I guess you could be a person who does not care about the good life.
ADAM How's that?
COWBOY Well, just stop for a little second and think about it. Can ya do that for me?
ADAM Okay, I'm thinking.
COWBOY No. You're too busy being a smart aleck to be thinkin'. Now I want ya to think and quit bein' such a smart aleck. Can ya do that for me?
ADAM Look ... where's this going? What do you want me to do?
COWBOY There's sometimes a buggy. How many drivers does a buggy have?
COWBOY So let's just say I'm drivin' this buggy and you fix your attitude and you can ride along with me.
ADAM Okay.
COWBOY I want you to go back to work tomorrow. You were re-casting the lead actress anyway ... audition many girls for the part. When you see the girl that was shown to you earlier today, you will say "This is the girl." The rest of the cast can stay - that is up to you, but that lead girl is not up to you. Now, you will see me one more time if you do good. You will see me two more times if you do bad. Good night.

Előzmény: yuntem (204)