ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2004.03.22 0 0 133

Szénerőművek reneszánsza

Usákia 36 államában 94 új szénerőművet helyeznek üzembe a közeljövőben 62 gigawatt összkapacitással.  

Vajon miért?

Coal Plant      America’s New Coal Rush

At least 94 coal-fired electric power plants — with the capacity to power 62 million American homes — are now planned across 36 states.

The jump in proposed coal-fired plants over the past three years — which would add 62 gigawatts or another 20 percent to the U.S.'s current coal-generating capacity

Aside from the report, buried on the agency's Web site, the push to coal power and its estimated $72 billion investment has been largely untouted by industry and overlooked by the public.