ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2004.03.22 0 0 135

A Shell 20 Gb-s tartalékából 20%-ot, azaz 4 Gb-t már leírtak.  Maradt 16 Gb.
Ryder Scott független konzultáns átnézi a maradékot.  Most még csak 40%-ban vizsgálta át a dolgokat, de máris felfedezett újabb 0,45 Gb hiányt.
Az olajszakértők már előre félnek a maradék 60% átvizsgálásától.

Eközben Nigériában szélnek eresztenek 1500 alkalmazottat - az ottani állomány 30%-át - és közben megpróbálják növelni a kitermelést.


In January the loss of the nearly 4bn barrels, which was about 20% of the group's total oil reserves, led to a fall in the share price and an investor backlash. Sir Philip Watts, the firm's former chairman, was ousted earlier this month. But his replacement, Jeroen van der Veer, is also under scrutiny for his role in the debacle.


Shell is believed to be announcing today that it is sacking 1,500 staff in Nigeria - or 30% of its workforce in the country - and attempting to boost the production of oil from the region.


The executives fear a review of the reserves by external consultant Ryder Scott will result in yet more downgrades. The cut of 250 million barrels for 2002 and a further 220 million planned for 2003 came when the review was only 40 per cent complete.

'They are very scared about what they'll find in the remaining 60 per cent,' said one oil industry expert.

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