Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.04.05 0 0 172
The same trend has taken place nationwide. As a result, the amount of natural gas burned nationwide to generate power rose 56 percent from 1993 to 2002, outstripping the growth of coal and oil in power production, according to the Energy Department.

The volatility has led to turmoil in the natural gas industry, said Cloyce Talbott, chief executive of Snyder, Texas-based drilling company Patterson-UTI Energy Inc., which owns the nation's second-largest fleet of land-based rigs.

Talbott said the country long assumed that natural gas was plentiful and cheap, leading to the building of so many gas-fired power plants that demand now outstrips supply.

"We're finding smaller pockets of natural gas, producing them at a higher rate quickly, and the decline rates are going up," Talbott said. The decline rate is a measurement of how quickly a gas reservoir is being drained.

"It's good for people like us, but it's not good for the people of this country," he said.

Alex Mills, president of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, disagreed. He said natural gas used to be a byproduct of oil drilling but is now a separate industry.

"The exploration effort for natural gas has really just begun," Mills said. "And that's the exciting part of the natural gas business. As long as you've got a good steady demand for natural gas, people are going to look for it."


Naszóval,a mezei fúrómunkás kommentálja az usa gázpiaci eseményeit,illetve az elmúlt 10 év erőműépítéseit azzal,hogy így szinte bizot az állása a 10 év múlva esedékes nyudíjazásáig.

Az elmúlt tíz évben a földgázerőművek 56%-al több gázt égettek el,és a földgáz lett a legdinamikusabban növekvő energiahordozó.


"We're finding smaller pockets of natural gas, producing them at a higher rate quickly, and the decline rates are going up," Talbott said. The decline rate is a measurement of how quickly a gas reservoir is being drained.

Tehát a talált gázlelőhelyek egyre kisebbek és egyre gyorsabban merülnek ki.Egyszerűe beláthetó, hogy ha egy gázlelőhely feltárása többe kerül,mint amit adni tud,akkor attol kezdve nem éri meg bányászni még akkor sem ha a földbe maradt mennyiség a teljes készlet 90%-a.