ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2004.05.20 0 0 354

Lazítsunk egy kicsit :))
nézzük távolabbról a dolgokat
ne csak az energiakrízist vizsgáljuk,
hanem vessünk egy pillnatást az eljövendő Ökológiai Krízisre

A dolgok természetesen összefüggnek: a népesség nő, az élelem előállítás stagnál, az olaj elfogy, a környezetet (talaj, víz, levegő, stb.) pedig tönkretesszük.
A gazdasági növekedés eddig sem oldotta meg a szegénység és éhezés problémáját, ezután sem fogja, sőt...

Számomra a legmeglepőbb info: Usákia exportbevételeinek felét a gabonafélék exportja teszi ki. Tehát amíg van olaj, addig tudnak extra-gabonát előállítani. Ha elfogy az olaj, akkor minden ország azt eszik, amit helyben előállítanak ~ globális éhezésre van kilátás.


The population of the world is growing, food production is stagnating, oil is running out, and we are destroying the resource base we depend on for life. These are all related in interlocking ways that are sure to result in a global crisis (already begun) in the easily foreseeable future; the compound crisis of population, food, oil, soil, and water. Politics and business have joined hands to tell us that poverty and famine can be eliminated by economic growth, but economic growth appears to be the engine behind the compound crisis, rather than the panacea that it is being made out to be. This paper shows how conventional economic thought has been mistaken and harmful, how very basic and unquestioned assumptions have led humanity into an ecological impasse, and suggests a method for attempting to avoid the oncoming disaster.

This paper does not mention, or makes only very brief mention of, the 'pollution-type' problems (global warming, ozone layer destruction, acid rain, toxification of the environment by radiation or synthetic chemicals), as these are considered to be a subset of the human-induced ecological crisis described below. It is not intended to deny or lessen the importance of these issues, any one of which could have a serious bearing on the ability of humanity to live harmoniously with the Earth. On the other hand, progress in alleviating the effects of the ecological crisis will almost certainly result in positive trends concerning these problems, as should be clear from the argument.