RontóPál Creative Commons License 2007.09.05 0 0 5372
namost ez egy bullshitting, ha nem haraxol...

Newton, like most alchemists of the time, believed that alchemic wisdom extended back to ancient times. He believed strongly in the religious and astrological symbolism of alchemy. Most alchemists of the day were adept at astrology, sharing much of the deeper symbolism of the two disciplines, including the connection between the seven metals and the seven planets, as well as the four elements and the four humours

In an unpublished biography by his nephew-in-law John Conduitt,

Egyébként: English historian of science Derek Thomas Whiteside reported that he did not find any reference to astrology among the 50 million words that have been preserved of Newton's writings.

Szal, amennyire elolvasgattam, Newton biztosan asztrológus volt, csak titkolta, és különben is, többen hallották, hogy kiejtette a varázsos szót, használta a jeleket, no meg amúgy is köztudott a hét bolygó és hét fém kapcsolata.:-)
Előzmény: rabida (5358)