cren Creative Commons License 2007.10.08 0 0 5848

Különleges quantum DNS varázsdoboz :-))))



"Krugel Madeleine DNS-mintája és GPS segítségével talált rá a nyomokra. A portugál rendőrség megalapozottnak találta a megállapítást és kétszer is végigkutatta az üdülőhely tengerparti szakaszát. A Bloemfontein Egyetemen dolgozó Krugel azt állítja, hogy speciális technológiájával képes akár egy hajszál alapján eltűnt embereket bárhol a világon fellelni. A főfelügyelő akkor vált híressé, amikor a nyolcvanas években segített egy tévés stábnak megtalálni öt eltűnt lányt Dél-Afrikában."


Bad Science » Madeleine McCann, the Observer, and their special magic quantum DNA box (with secret energy source)

"He does this using his special magic box, which works by something to do with “quantum physics”, “complex and secret science techniques”, a secret energy source which nobody is allowed to know about, and a strand of the missing person’s hair or some other source of DNA. His secret method can miraculously pinpoint the missing person’s location anywhere in the world on a map, using their DNA and international GPS technology, so he says."

"Danie Krugel: Officially a Liar?


Some of you may recall that in January, Danie Krugel - erstwhile inventor of a device that can supposedly find anyone, anywhere, with merely a snippet of their hair - made a promise to me:


    Danie also made a deal with me: in the next three months, there will be some big event regarding his device. He wouldn’t give specifics, but did eventually say after some pressing that the news would be international, and big, and if it didn’t happen in three months I could call him a liar.


Well, I’ve been generous and given him four months, to the day. A google search for the name Danie Krugel, conducted today, returns the following top five hits: the JREF forum thread about him, an article from 2004, and three links to my blog. It seems I’ve done more to make Danie Krugel famous than Danie Krugel.


As an aside, the news programme Carte Blanche, which promised to follow up on Danie by the end of January, has not done so to my knowledge.


Does anyone have anything else to add, either from the ‘big news’ front or the Carte Blanche follow up? Because if not, I will be forced to accept the fact that both Danie Krugel and Carte Blanche are officially liars."